Need help With New Filters

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Need help With New Filters

Postby Cj4life24 » Tue May 22, 2012 11:28 am

Ok i have only been working with Vicidial now for a few months. My boss has asked me to set up some new filters that will help in having some dispositions pulled out of the dialer. I actually need 3 separate filter and i am really not comfortable with the SQl language and i know that this is a sensitive area the Database Could someone please help me with these 2 Filters i need set up. And to know if it is possible to filter this way. Thank you for any and all help. I have included my Vicidial Version if it is needed knowledge

1. I currently have a filter that pulls Not Interested Leads out for 14 days and after that we can call them again. This filter i need set up as follows

-I need all NI dispositions pulled out for 14 days ( as is now) after 14 days the lead can be called again but after a second NI disposition i need the number pulled out of the dialer so it is not called again

2. I am not using Go auto dial so i don't have the option to set call count limits so i have to do it through a filter here is the second filter parameters needed

-I need a filter set up to not call leads more than 7 times unless they were dispositioned as a callback in the first 7 attempts then they can be called as many times as we want.


VERSION: 2.4-316a
BUILD: 110531-2009
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VERSION: 2.4-316a
BUILD: 110531-2009

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