WebForm recording_filename and recording_id URL Parameters

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WebForm recording_filename and recording_id URL Parameters

Postby zando101 » Fri May 25, 2012 12:45 pm


I'm using the webform feature and posting some URL parameters as well.

There are some URL vars that are not being populated and I'm wondering if this is normal.

Here's a section of the post vars.

The dots (....) and asterisks (***) are my edits to trim text =>

Parameters: {"CF_uses_custom_fields"=>"Y", "agent_id"=>"1004", "first"=>"DAVID", "last"=>"R***R", "phone"=>"937*****",
"script_width"=>"600", "script_height"=>"431", "fullname"=>"Paul ******", "recording_filename"=>"", "recording_id"=>"", .....}

My question is at the call connect and webform launch the recording_filename and recording_id
values are empty. Is it possible that these can be sent via the webphone as soon
as the call connects?

I don't actually expect to have these two values at the time of call connect
but it would be great if they were.
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Re: WebForm recording_filename and recording_id URL Paramete

Postby mflorell » Sat May 26, 2012 6:33 am

If you trigger the webform using the Timer options and set it for a few seconds it will be able to populate them before popping up the webform.
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