SIP Trunk early media problem

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SIP Trunk early media problem

Postby PavelSmotrov » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:49 am

I have just faced problem with erly media in following situation:

We implemented GSM-gateway, which connected to Vici-Asterisk by SIP trunk.
inbound and outbound calls works fine, but when i make manual dial call to the mobile which unavailable or blocked i don't hear information "subscriber unavailable" and hear ringback only.
as i understand early media don't work, because no media before connection.

I have Asterisk installed on other server (not Vicidial) the same Asterisk configuration (sip parametrs, extensions ) - works fine early media plays and i hear "subscriber unavailable"

I have installed and configured ViciBox_Redux.3.1.15 with Asterisk v. - the same problem - early media don't work.

Could anybody help me resolve this problem !!!!

Thank you, Pavel!
ViciBox_Redux.i686-3.0.6.iso, ViciDial Client ver.2.2.1-261 b.100625-1118, Asterisk 1.4.27-vici
1 DB + 1 WEB + 2 Asterisk + 1 Archive servers @ VMWare ESXi 4.1
No extra software, No Digium/Sangoma Hardware
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:21 am

Re: SIP Trunk early media problem

Postby PavelSmotrov » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:24 am

Sorry for disturb!

Problem resolved

Extension was configured incorrectly
exten => _375XXXXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/GSMGW/080${EXTEN:3},,tTor) - early media don't work, chenged to tT - work fine.

Right exten configuration
exten => _375XXXXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/CiscoGW/080${EXTEN:3},,tT
ViciBox_Redux.i686-3.0.6.iso, ViciDial Client ver.2.2.1-261 b.100625-1118, Asterisk 1.4.27-vici
1 DB + 1 WEB + 2 Asterisk + 1 Archive servers @ VMWare ESXi 4.1
No extra software, No Digium/Sangoma Hardware
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:21 am

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