Hi, my employer and I are currently building a survey within Vicidial that our agents can click on one of five radio buttons to answer questions they read and ask the customer. To build this survey, we went to <lists> ----> <list custom fields> then built out custom fields. Then go to campaign, chose detail view, went down script and chose it as a drop down.
So when a user logs in, a call is placed, and they will see six questions, with six answers with radio button.
My question is, questions reset after they disposition the call. Where do the answers to the question get stored? Or better yet, how do I make it to where they are stored in the database. Ultimately, the information I would like to pull from mysql would be.....
Phone number, Disposition, Answers to questions,Call Time, Date Call was placed.
So I figured out where I can add variables in the script, how do I add the custom variables for the custom fields I created in the lists? Thank you for your time.
Asterix Version:
ViciDial Version:VERSION: 2.6-375a BUILD: 120831-1523