CB Hold question

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CB Hold question

Postby lordwest » Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:06 am

I am a novice user, so excuse my lack of intelligence on this. I run the admin, and can successfully add users, set up connections, campaigns, lists, etc. But, the inner workings are baffling me right now.

My agents are complaining/wondering if the call backs they are setting in their own campaigns are serving up correctly. I do not see a place in either the user, list or campaign to set a time zone. My people are wondering if the call backs are serving up the clients local time, or our time. We are PST, adn they feel that the calls are not serving up as they instruct. Example: they set a 5pm call back, they assume it is 5pm PST--but, is CBhold scheduled calls dialing up in the call recipients time not our time?

And, if the call back does actually serve back up--what happens if there is no answer? Or, does it force going to a voicemail? Does the caller get the opportunity to re-schedule the call back if connection with a live body is unsuccessful?

also, I have 7 agents that have their own campaigns/lists. They are setting calls backs in their own campaigns. Anythign special I should check on?

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:56 am

Re: CB Hold question

Postby williamconley » Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:41 pm

1) Welcome to the Party! 8-)

2) when you post, please post your entire configuration including (but not limited to) your installation method and vicidial version with build.

this IS a requirement for posting along with reading the stickies (at the top of each forum) and the manager's manual (available on EFLO.net, both free and paid versions)

You should also post: Asterisk version, telephony hardware (model number is helpful here), cluster information if you have one, and whether any other software is installed in the box. If your installation method is "from scratch" you must post your operating system and should also post the .iso version from which you installed your original operating system. If your installation is "Hosted" list the site name of the host.

If this is a "Cloud" or "Virtual" server, please note the technology involved along with the version of that techology (ie: VMware Server Version 2.0.2). If it is not, merely stating the Motherboard model # and CPU would be helpful.

Similar to This:

Vicibox X.X from .iso | Vicidial X.X.X-XXX Build XXXXXX-XXXX | Asterisk X.X.X | Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel DG35EC | Core2Quad Q6600

3) TZ is set for the agents PHONE not the actual agent. Admin->Phone has a TZ setting.

4) Callbacks are not "automated". The agent is expected to have manual dial ability and will get a "callback notification" when configured on the campaign to do so.

5) I highly recommend reading in the Vicidial Manager's Manual and all "callback" related posts on the forum (using google as your search engine as phpBB searching is not so great). Don't just "peruse" the manual READ it. The whole thing. (Assuming you intend to make $$ with this application for a few years, the time will be well-spent ... I also suggest purchasing the paid version and reading all 300 pages of that!)
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
Newest Product: Vicidial Agent Only Beep - Beta
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Location: Davenport, FL (By Disney!)

Re: CB Hold question

Postby lordwest » Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:35 am

well, time to hire a developer to own this project--this all went over my head very quickly. I bought my server from you Bill, and Brook configured it. Any advice on going and finding a developer?
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Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:56 am

Re: CB Hold question

Postby williamconley » Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:25 pm

Um ... us? LOL That is what we do.

But start by reading the Full Vicidial Managers Manual (paid version), you'd be surprised at how much information is in there that can resolve these day-to-day questions. Not to mention the power in this system you didn't even know was there. That is what the manual is for: Instead of having us print it in the forum repeatedly for each new user, read the manual and find out what your system can do. Ask questions of course, but do refer to the manual first to save yourself the wait time.

We also have Training and tech support (we have a paid forum very similar to this free forum), and of course The Vicidial Group has support and is the creator of this package.

If you just want to put an "out there" offer to get a specific task accomplished, the request-for-consultation board on this forum is specifically for that. If you want to get a quote from The Vicidial Group for service they are available at sales@vicidial.com I believe (or just use http://www.vicidial.org/contact_us.php). But if you want PoundTeam Incorporated (our company) to make modifications or train your Vicidial Administrator in special uses (or even just "Best Practices" or Basic Use of Vicidial) our Catalog is always available at http://catalog.poundteam.com/ and has an hourly support button for just such an occasion.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
Newest Product: Vicidial Agent Only Beep - Beta
http://www.PoundTeam.com # 352-269-0000 # +44(203) 769-2294
Posts: 20258
Joined: Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:17 pm
Location: Davenport, FL (By Disney!)

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