I seen this issue on the bug tracker, but i did not see if it was resolved, so i am hoping someone has found a fix to this issue.
Let me walk you through the steps,since my English sucks.
step one; person is interested and agrees to be transfered to our closers,
They bring up transfer conf, hit D1, puts the number in the box, they hit dial with customer
the call connects, the call will connect just fine.
However, when they try to hit leave three way call, the button does nothing, it is not greyed out, it just will not work
Someone not to use ext 9, and i dont, i use ext 8 anyway.
added note; If i am transferring to a closer that is within the network, ie, just sending it to another closer that is on our dialer, everything works just fine.
After installing 4.0.1 (and i love it) that is really the only issue i have had so far, but its a major issue due to the fact that i am using outside closers. When our closers get full.
If you need any other info, please let me know. I would really like to get this small issue resolved before it becomes a big issue