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Audio Store
Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:40 pm
by ykhan
Vicidial 2.2.0rc8
When I click on the Audio Store link a blank white pop up appears only. Any ideas?
Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:19 pm
by mflorell
Is your audio store directory set to writable for your apache user?
Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:54 am
by ykhan
I followed these steps:
Installed Vicidial 1.3
Upgraded to Vicidial version 2.2.0rc8
Copied database from another 2.2.0rc8 install
Now I have the wkyq2r6d0sr4r9s4z77hw8dzcf4rj7 folder in the Vicidial System Settings Page, but this cannot be changed. Is there a way for me to setup the audio store again for the new server?
Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:09 pm
by mflorell
Have you tried adding that directory manually?
Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:17 pm
by ykhan
Not sure what you mean. Shoudl I create a directory by that name in /var/www/html and copy all of the files from the Sounds directory?
Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:34 pm
by mflorell
just do a "mkdir /var/www/html/wkyq2r6d0sr4r9s4z77hw8dzcf4rj7"
then "chmod 0777 /var/www/html/wkyq2r6d0sr4r9s4z77hw8dzcf4rj7"
Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:21 pm
by ykhan
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the help. I have tried that, but still only a blank pop up in the Audio Store. Do I need to run
Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:45 pm
by mflorell
yes, run that with the --upload flag
Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:39 pm
by ykhan
I have tried running the file with the upload flag. It seems to get stuck as the last line on the console is:
- Code: Select all
----- DEBUG -----
----- UPLOAD -----
Thu May 06, 2010 12:26 pm
by ykhan
1. I resolved it by going to to Admin > System Settings > Central Sound Control Active and changed it to 0.
2. Then I deleted the original folder entry from the database. TABLE: system_settings, FIELD: sounds_web_directory
3. Then I reenabled the Audio Store by going to to Admin > System Settings > Central Sound Control Active and changed it to 1.
4. Then copied all files from the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds directory. (the script did not seem to work)
Now I have a functional Audio Store again in Vicidial 2.2.0rc8.
Thu May 06, 2010 6:24 pm
by mflorell
thank you for posting your solution
Re: Audio Store
Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:46 pm
by gers55
Just wanted to add that below code worked great for me
- Code: Select all
/usr/share/astguiclient/ --upload
Re: Audio Store
Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:52 am
by scenarist
1. Just go to the following path /usr/share/astguiclient/
2. Run the script with "perl --upload flag"
3. Upload your audio file in .wav format (16 bit, 8 kHz)