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FastAGI problem?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:44 pm
by AlexR
Hi everyone!

Everything seems to be working fine in 2.0.2 land, i have fastagi working, but this:

Code: Select all
exten => _950277XXXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi://${EXTEN}-----${CALLERID}-----${CALLERIDNUM}-----${CALLERIDNAME})
exten => _950277XXXXXXXX,2,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:6},55,o)
exten => _950277XXXXXXXX,n,Hangup()

This is the extension for dialing out in this campaign (all my leads start with 950277). If I comment out step one of this extension (the fast AGI part...) im able to dial out perfectly, else it wont dial the Zap channel.

But im not getting statistics on the VDAD stats reports:

Code: Select all
VICIDIAL: Auto-dial Stats                             2006-12-12 20:42:19

---------- TOTALS
Total Calls placed from this Campaign:              3423
Average Call Length for all Calls in seconds:          0

---------- DROPS
Total DROP Calls:                                      0  0%
Average Length for DROP Calls in seconds:              0

Total NA calls -Busy,Disconnect,BTvoicemail:           0  0%
Average Call Length for NA Calls in seconds:           0

---------- AGENT STATS
| AGENT                    | CALLS      | TIME M   | AVRG M |
| TOTAL Agents:          0 |          0 |     0:00 |   0:00 |
| Average Wait time between calls                      0:00 |

As you may see there I dialed 3000 people but i have no stats there... I can see the graph there but that is about it. could this be related?

Thank you!!!


PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:13 pm
by mflorell
What does the output of the FASTagiout log file when this happens?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:24 pm
by AlexR
Sure, here it is
Code: Select all
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|+++++++++++++++++ FastAGI Start ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|0|--debug
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|URL HVcauses: |PRI|NODEBUG|0|||)|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|URL fullCID: |0000000000|V1212162802000205306|agi://"V1212162802000205306" <0000000000>-----0000000000-----V1212162802000205306|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- accountcode =
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callerid = 0000000000
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- calleridname = V1212162802000205306
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callingpres = 0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callingtns = 0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callington = 0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- channel = Local/95027758910295@default-d9ec,2
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- context = default
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- dnid = unknown
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- extension = 95027758910295
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- language = en
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- network = yes
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- network_script = call_log--fullCID--95027758910295-----"V1212162802000205306" <0000000000>-----0000000000-----V1212162802000205306
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- priority = 1
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- request = agi://"V1212162802000205306" <0000000000>-----0000000000-----V1212162802000205306
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- type = Local
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- uniqueid = 1165962483.8767
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|AGI Variables: |1165962483.8767|Local/95027758910295@default-d9ec,2|95027758910295|Local|0000000000|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log|Process to run: |agi://"V1212162802000205306" <0000000000>-----0000000000-----V1212162802000205306|call_log|START|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log|+++++ CALL LOG START : 2006-12-12 16:28:03
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log||INSERT INTO call_log (uniqueid,channel,channel_group,type,server_ip,extension,number_dialed,start_time,start_epoch,end_time,end_epoch,length_in_sec,length_in_min,caller_code) values('1165962483.8767','Local/95027758910295@default-d9ec,2','Zap Trunk Line','Local','','95027758910295','53761173','2006-12-12 16:28:03','1165962483','','','','','0000000000')|

and just right after this the hangup
Code: Select all
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|+++++++++++++++++ FastAGI Start ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|0|--debug
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- accountcode =
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callerid = 0000000000
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- calleridname = V1212162802000205306
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callingpres = 0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callingtns = 0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- callington = 0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- channel = Local/95027758910295@default-d9ec,2
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- context = default
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- dnid = unknown
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- extension = h
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- language = en
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- network = yes
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- network_script = call_log
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- priority = 1
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- request = agi://
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- type = Local
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin| -- uniqueid = 1165962483.8767
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|begin|AGI Variables: |1165962483.8767|Local/95027758910295@default-d9ec,2|h|Local|V1212162802000205306|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log|Process to run: |agi://|call_log|END|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log||CALL HUNG UP|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log||1165962483.8766999|1165962483|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log|QUERY done: start time = 1165962483 | sec: 0 | min:     0.00 |
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log||UPDATE call_log set end_time='2006-12-12 16:28:03',end_epoch='1165962483',length_in_sec=0,length_in_min='    0.00' where uniqueid='1165962483.8767'|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log||DELETE from live_inbound where uniqueid='1165962483.8767' and server_ip=''|
2006-12-12 16:28:03|TEST_VDfastAGI|call_log|+++++ CALL LOG HUNGUP: |1165962483.8767|Local/95027758910295@default-d9ec,2|h|2006-12-12 16:28:03|min:     0.00|

but it NEVER gets to the part where it should dial the zap trunk...

is this related to the missing stats Matt?

thank you for the reply!

(one more question... what time zone are you in? the forum reports it is like 4 am right now!! :shock: )

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:46 pm
by mflorell
What version of asterisk-perl are you using?

This would be affecting your stats if you disable the call_log process

I am in Eastern USA time zone. The forum is in ZULU time(GMT +0) but the server it is on is in Mountain Standard time USA.

As for the times I'm on the forum. I try to get on when I can. Sometimes that means 3AM or so after my son or daughter has woke me up at night and I can't get back to sleep.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:59 am
by AlexR
Yes, i thought it was quite strange that you were up at 3am! I am at gmt -6 (central america) and your creation is here! must feel good to watch your project grow, you should be proud.

I am currently using asterisk-perl-0.08, since you suggested this was the way to go with the past version (It did resolve some issues at the time). Should i upgrade now?

Thanks Matt! and hope the kids are tired tonight so you may sleep!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:19 pm
by mflorell
That looks right and you should use 0.08 of asterisk-perl(0.09 doesn't work).

What version of Asterisk are you using?

I have seen this behaviour when I tried 1.4b3 actually because it has a bug in it and doesn't work properly with FastAGI(SVN for 1.4 tree does work though)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:50 pm
by AlexR
Thanks for the reply.. my current asterisk version is:


this is the version suggested in Scratch Install. The weird thing is that fastAGI works beautifully in all other parts of my extensions.conf

Could it have to do something with the fact that im dialing FOR my remote agents? this is my remote agent extension:

Code: Select all
exten => 8399,1,AGI(agi://${EXTEN}-----${CALLERID}-----${CALLERIDNUM}-----${CALLERIDNAME})
exten => 8399,2,Wait(1)
exten => 8399,n,Playback(spot)
exten => 8399,n,Hangup

Could this entry be "colliding" with the one in the Dial/Zap section?

Thank you!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:04 pm
by mflorell
Is there a reason you need the fullCID in this?

Try removing everything after the "call_log" and see if that helps.

I don't know why you would be having problems here if the FastAGI script works elsewhere without problems.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:36 am
by AlexR
mmm.... I did the changes...and still the same error. I have no idea what is going on here. I wonder if it has anything to do with the EXTEN:6 i have there... does call_log affect the incoming exten on the dial plan?

Thanks a lot!


PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:52 pm
by mflorell
Does it work if you put call_log.agi in there instead of the FastAGI line?