chrisgngugi wrote:I am experiencing the same problem here. I have outbound leads ready can being dialed out. An agent gets on pause but a call still lands on the agents page. They can hear the dialed call and the customer on line but no customer details on the agent page until the they unpause. the details appear on the agent page... Someone please help us resolve this issue.
Vicidial 81
Asterisk version 13.21.1-vici
Version: 2.14b0.5
Single Server
No Digium/Sangoma Hardware
No Extra Software After Installation
Installation in VM
installation Date 2019-05-02
1) Your installer is NOT 81. It's "8.1.?" (you are missing the dots and the last bit of the version)
2) Your Vicidial version must include the BUILD.
3) Virtual is BAD for Vicidial beyond one agent. If it works perfectly for one agent and then has this problem when you add more agents, it's because you should not be running Vicidial Virtually at all, and (based on that test) certainly not with your virtualization technology, hardware, and agent/call count combination. Less calls, less agents, better hardware, or NO virtualization (I highly recommend that last one!!). Virtual for development and sandboxing. Hardware for production.
4) Average Server Load AND core count during the problem?
Math: core count divided by two ... if the Average Server Load exceeds this, you are at maximum recommended capacity.
Math2: core count ... if the Average Server Load exceeds this, you are beyond capacity and officially in "overload" and bad things can now be expected to occur.
These also apply to hardware installs, but note that Virtualization can break down well before these rules kick in due to shared processors.