Here are the latest test result:
- Code: Select all
# dahdi_test
Opened pseudo dahdi interface, measuring accuracy...
99.999% 99.992% 99.997% 99.578% 99.970% 99.984% 99.610% 99.998%
99.617% 99.609% 99.996% 99.979% 99.611% 99.996% 99.585% 99.999%
99.609% 99.602% 99.994% 99.597% 99.977% 99.998% 99.991% 98.229%
98.225% 98.663% 99.987% 99.976% 100.000% 99.991% 99.993% 99.998%
99.627% 99.612% 100.000% 99.988% 99.599% 99.592% 99.888% 99.886%
99.984% 99.990% 99.620% 99.614% 99.989% 99.993% 99.981% 99.997%
99.225% 99.221% 99.620% 99.603% 99.603% 99.992% 99.980% 99.614%
99.620% 99.599% 99.998% 99.561% 99.944% 99.997% 99.610% 99.628%
99.993% 99.998% 99.993% 99.608% 99.991% 99.990% 99.998% 99.995%
99.222% 99.010% 99.612% 99.606% 99.613% 99.601% 99.619% 99.997%
99.605% 100.000% 99.620% 99.986% 99.981% 99.649% 99.649% 99.601%
99.979% 99.610% 99.990% 99.999% 99.611% 99.984% 99.625% 99.617%
99.233% 99.225% 99.992% 99.998% 99.994% 99.622% 99.993% 99.611%
99.621% 99.998% 99.600% 99.223% 99.595% 99.616% 99.999% 99.619%
99.622% 99.617% 99.634% 99.611% 99.618% 99.605% 99.987% 99.618%
99.626% 99.998% 99.986% 99.614% 99.621% 99.991% 99.994% 99.248%
99.989% 98.869% 99.654% 99.613% 99.225% 99.211% 99.996% 99.999%
99.611% 99.984% 99.982% 99.997% 99.994% 99.997% 99.627% 99.612%
98.821% 99.614% 99.605% 99.614% 99.607% 99.604% 99.592% 99.620%
99.995% 99.999% 99.599% 99.996% 99.607% 99.599% 99.582% 99.568%
99.616% 99.611% 99.233% 99.621% 99.983% 99.627% 99.634% 99.992%
99.998% 99.605% 99.620% 99.615% 99.601% 99.991% 99.619% 99.987%
99.991% 99.998% 99.607% 99.981% 99.616% 99.998% 99.612% 99.598%
99.616% 99.611% 99.623% 100.000% 99.995% 99.989% 99.991% 99.993%
99.626% 99.228% 99.995% 99.225% 99.209% 99.228% 99.596% 99.987%
99.983% 99.997% 99.607% 99.624% 99.619% 99.996% 99.608% 99.997%
99.616% 99.988% 99.998% 99.992% 99.995% 99.596% 99.607% 99.997%
99.224% 99.988% 99.600% 99.994% 99.998% 99.996% 99.983% 99.988%
99.634% 99.608% 99.607% 99.238% 99.612% 99.995% 99.981% 99.999%
99.600% 99.983% 99.994% 99.609% 99.623% 99.997% 99.603% 99.992%
99.609% 99.604% 99.990% 99.613% 99.208% 99.613% 99.987% 99.623%
99.611% 99.990% 99.608% 99.997% 99.991% 99.994% 99.979% 99.963%
99.217% 99.236% 99.223% 99.620% 99.988% 99.999% 99.614% 99.992%
99.216% 99.981% 99.616% 99.617% 99.991% 99.219% 99.626% 99.995%
99.618% 99.216% 99.236% 99.622% 99.981% 99.613% 99.606% 99.610%
99.607% 99.609% 99.602% 99.626% 99.614% 99.604% 99.597% 99.623%
99.998% 99.994% 99.996% 99.991% 99.652% 99.671% 99.998% 99.611%
99.984% 99.614% 99.984% 99.971% 99.988% 99.983% 99.991% 99.994%
99.989% 99.983% 99.595% 99.989% 99.997% 99.992% 99.997% 99.989%
99.625% 100.000% 99.605% 99.997% 99.618% 99.992% 99.987% 99.599%
99.984% 99.954% 99.607% 99.598% 99.622% 99.620% 99.992% 100.000%
99.991% 99.989% 99.613% 99.994% 99.605% 99.988% 99.989% 99.991%
99.614% 99.599% 99.608% 99.600% 99.992% 99.612% 99.605% 99.993%
99.989% 99.615% 99.985% 99.992% 99.586% 99.612% 99.608% 99.991%
99.614% 99.992% 100.000% 99.982% 99.607% 99.998% 99.617% 99.611%
99.995% 99.615% 99.610% 99.608% 99.996% 99.606% 99.238% 99.616%
99.601% 99.988% 99.617% 99.997% 99.993% 99.994% 99.996% 99.570%
99.617% 99.978% 99.601% 99.613% 99.955% 99.950% 99.994% 99.990%
99.988% 99.604% 99.611% 99.605% 99.620% 99.607% 99.996% 99.621%
99.997% 99.999% 99.597% 99.620% 99.595% 99.854% 99.753% 99.598%
99.997% 99.994% 99.610% 99.599% 99.595% 99.592% 99.997% 99.613%
99.987% 99.991% 99.605% 99.616% 99.605% 99.994% 99.617% 100.000%
99.991% 99.993% 99.621% 99.633% 99.993% 99.609% 99.992% 99.998%
99.613% 99.507% 99.991% 99.999% 99.988% 99.155% 99.163% 99.989%
99.989% 99.997% 99.980% 99.604% 99.994% 99.603% 99.988% 99.775%
99.450% 99.605% 99.999% 99.607% 99.609% 99.983% 99.609% 99.612%
99.597% 99.589% 99.977% 99.605% 99.996% 99.625% 99.999% 99.987%
99.609% 99.994% 99.989% 100.000% 99.614% 99.994% 99.998% 99.982%
99.575% 99.612% 99.613% 99.628% 99.991% 99.610% 99.623% 99.604%
99.993% 99.977% 99.607% 99.980% 99.612% 99.997% 99.621% 99.999%
99.993% 99.969% 99.603% 99.609% 99.598% 99.618% 99.993% 99.616%
99.986% 99.997% 99.994% 99.997% 99.593% 99.977% 99.991% 99.999%
99.593% 99.999% 99.996% 99.613% 99.991% 99.602% 99.612% 99.996%
99.997% 99.601% 99.621% 99.994% 99.984% 99.577% 99.614% 99.998%
99.997% ^C
--- Results after 513 passes ---
Best: 100.000% -- Worst: 98.225% -- Average: 99.758146%
Cumulative Accuracy (not per pass): 99.994
The recorded audio file of two parties seems to be merged with a delay. So the conversations looks like 5/6 seconds apart. It sound like both the persons are talking at the same time.
This is not happening every time but random.
The dahdi test log is during the ongoing calls.