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Limit or HIDE Admin > Carriers View

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:02 pm
by rrb555
hi i would like to ask on how to delete or hide the carrier info under admin > carriers.
what i did was created a level 8 user ,i logon to that, access the admin > carrier, i can see all the listed carriers on that server to which I wanted it blank

GoAutoDial CE 2.0
Vicidial VERSION: 2.2.1-237 BUILD: 100510-2015
Dahdi 2.3
no other hardware


PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:50 pm
by williamconley
i do not see a user setting to allow/disallow carrier access. you'd have to add a preference for it or modify the admin.php code to only allow it for your user (or delete it from admin.php completely and use a copy of admin.php that's not altered when you WANT to modify carriers, but don't give anyone a link to the copied file!)

or pay The Vicidial Group to add a preference to "Users" for carrier page access (or pay someone else like Poundteam, and be sure to publish to the Project so it'll get included and you won't lose it on Upgrade!).

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:57 pm
by rrb555
thank you for your reply williamconley.

I did find a good way to hide the carrier info by editing some script in admin.php

# ADD=140000000000 display all carriers
if (($ADD==140000000000)


# ADD=140000000000 display all carriers
if (($ADD==140000000000) & ($LOGuser_level == 9))

so level 9 can only view the info but have another question here, how about hiding all for example the admin menu, filters menu, remote, etc and just leave the Campaigns MENU and Report MENU just like user level 7 the menu viewable is Report MENU only

thanks in advance! :D

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:45 pm
by williamconley
excellent post back! :lol:

post it as a request or post a diff file

Maybe even a request to create a "level 8 and above only" access for specific menu areas.

or ... maybe a request for a "level vs menu" preferences area. (IE: every section would have a "minimum user level"). 8)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:27 pm
by covarrubiasgg
williamconley wrote:
or ... maybe a request for a "level vs menu" preferences area. (IE: every section would have a "minimum user level"). 8)

That would be a nice feature, many call centers have to give access to their clients and sometimes to external providers and is not nice to let them watch certain things on the setup :P

Re: Limit or HIDE Admin > Carriers View

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:30 am
by perci100
I know this post is old but I just used this info to lock out servers,carriers,callmenus etc. the code is well structured and its commented so search for "servers" and you will find the section that will allow you to edit those menu items as well. Thank you for this and hopefully this control gets added (or already is in a newer version , I am running vicibox 5.03)