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Noone is in your session: 8600052

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:01 pm
by m160858
Hi guys,

i've correctly configured everything according to the manual of installation and also I have entered data in the system according to the the administrator manual (with the same steps of tutorial)

so? when i can't do outbound calls or receive inbound calls from the vicidial system? show me the follow screen:


PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:05 pm
by lkeller
Are you using a softphone or hardphone? When you first log in, does the phone ring?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:40 pm
by m160858
lkeller wrote:Are you using a softphone or hardphone? When you first log in, does the phone ring?

i'm using softphone(xlite) but doesn't ring .. the otherway my asterisk doesn't try to make the call.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:53 pm
by mflorell
please post the output of this command:
screen -r

PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:23 pm
by m160858
mflorell wrote:please post the output of this command:
screen -r

There are several suitable screens on:
18199.ASTupdate (Detached)
18196.ASTVDremote (Detached)
18142.ASTsend (Detached)
16993.ASTVDauto (Detached)
18183.ASTlisten (Detached)
18135.asterisk (Detached)
Type "screen [-d] -r [pid.]" to resume one of them.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:14 pm
by mflorell
That's good, what's the output of Asterisk CLI when you try to login to vicidial.php

PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:17 am
by asterisk_at_my_risk
we are having the same issue ..........

we are attaching the output of our screen

2006-09-13 20:44:23|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-09-13 20:42:23||

loop counter: |5759992|
TIME DEBUG: -5|-5|0| GMT: 01:44
2006-09-13 20:44:26|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 0|
2006-09-13 20:44:26| : agents: 1 dial_level: 0|
2006-09-13 20:44:26| : Calls to place: 0 (0 - 0) |
2006-09-13 20:44:26| : CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -5|-5|0| GMT: 01:44
2006-09-13 20:44:26|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0|20060913204356|20060913204416|20060913204426||
2006-09-13 20:44:26|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-09-13 20:42:26||

loop counter: |5759991|
TIME DEBUG: -5|-5|0| GMT: 01:44
2006-09-13 20:44:28|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 0|
2006-09-13 20:44:28| : agents: 1 dial_level: 0|
2006-09-13 20:44:28| : Calls to place: 0 (0 - 0) |
2006-09-13 20:44:28| : CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -5|-5|0| GMT: 01:44
2006-09-13 20:44:28|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0|20060913204358|20060913204418|20060913204428||
2006-09-13 20:44:28|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-09-13 20:42:28||

loop counter: |5759990|
2006-09-13 20:44:28|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0|2006-09-13 20:34:28|LIVE||
2006-09-13 20:44:28|| updating server parameters 96|8365|-5|default||
TIME DEBUG: -5|-5|0| GMT: 01:44


checking to see if listener is dead |0|
DONE... Exiting... Goodbye... See you later... Not really, initiating next loop...
2006-09-13 20:44:31|HANGING UP||
2006-09-13 20:44:31|CLOSING DB CONNECTION||
DONE... Exiting... Goodbye... See you later... Really I mean it this time

[screen is terminating]

please guide us what may the issue

PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:41 am
by mflorell
What distro of Linux are you running?

Post the results of these MySQL queries while you are logged into vicidial.php:
SELECT * from live_channels;
SELECT * from live_sip_channels;

Post the output of this command:
/bin/ps -o "%p %a" --no-headers -A

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:57 am
by sshah
I'm facing the the exact problem.
Also i see on the CLI:

== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
[Jan 24 18:57:03] NOTICE[2411]: manager.c:1029 authenticate: failed to authenticate as 'listencron'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
[Jan 24 18:57:03] NOTICE[2413]: manager.c:1029 authenticate: failed to authenticate as 'updatecron'


i get the same as the above dude pasted.

any solution? i'm using CentOS latest version