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Call center solutions for Blind
Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:37 am
by priya
In our office we planning to hire 10 blind peoples for call center job.Nature of the job is making outbound calls.Dial through IP phones and disposition through phone keypad.Any idea thanks in advance.
Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:07 pm
by williamconley
you'll need to learn menuing inside the meetme room. since meetme rooms CAN have menus, you'll need to learn first how to use them (pure asterisk, not related to vicidial) and then apply that technique to a customized room in vicidial for the agents to hangup, dispo, and log back in at the end of a call.
sounds like fun.
callcenter for blind peoples
Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:20 pm
by striker
do you want ,login as agent with ipphones and
use the ipphones keys to hangup customer , assign a disposition , pause ,resume and logout
the above method will be done easily. but someone initially login them to the agent screen.
Re: Call center solutions for Blind
Thu May 28, 2015 10:48 am
by sunilkumarmehta
How can we do this???
Re: Call center solutions for Blind
Thu May 28, 2015 12:15 pm
by striker
with the help of agent API(link :
and Yealink ipphone and expansion button box ,
yealink extra buttons can be cofigured as Programable buttons, were u can parse the above api.