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Need advice on adding more telephony server with Digium card

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:02 am
by uperformkarthick

We are running 50 seats outbound call centre with full recording. We are now planning to scale to another 80 seats. We have a set-up like 1 telephony server which have te420 telephony card and 1 server for database and web.

How can I add a new telephony server where the existing card in the existing server?

Please suggest me on deciding with the below ideas

1) Adding a gateway server and connecting two telephony server via SIP(existing and new).
2) Making existing telephony server to act as gateway server for new telephony server by manual creating a extension and dial plan.

I appreciate your advice.

Thanks & Regards
Karthik Raja

ViciBox server | | VicidialVERSION: 2.4-361a
BUILD: 120221-1647 | Asterisk | 1 DB/web Server / 1 Telephony Server | Hardware: Digium te420 4 port card | No Extra Software After Installation

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:46 pm
by williamconley
Vicidial already has clustering capability. The available trunks can be shared among them. If you are not sure how, you may want to simply have a Vicidial Professional handle that for you.

The Vicidial Group is very adept at setting systems up to share connections properly (they built this software) as is Kumba (who built the Vicibox Redux .iso).

If, however, you want to convert your existing Vicidial to pure SIP and use a gateway solution, that could help down the road in case you ever have problems with your Vicidial server. But it's not really necessary if you configure Vicidial properly.

I will also say that when you exceed 100 stations, you had better have your network solid as a rock and all your communications systems wired properly. Any bottlenecks you've been "getting away with" will cease to be friendly shortly after you exceed that threshold.

Having a professional network person (who regularly deals with SIP networking) is a good investment at this point. And get one who will actually set foot in your facility if at all possible. And when he immediately says "replace that switch, rewire this section directly to your server closet ...". Do It! :) (Have to say this, it makes life easier down the road ...).

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:33 am
by uperformkarthick
Hi William,

Thank you for your post. As long as VICIDIAL can share the PRI trunks when we deploy additional servers. I should not be having any problems. I will get some downtime to add additional telephony server and update how it goes.

Thank you very much for your support.

Thanks & Regards
Karthik Raja