Problem Transfering calls between agents

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Problem Transfering calls between agents

Postby rodrigo.montiel » Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:17 am

Hi all,

I have trouble when trying to blind/consultative transfer a call from Agent A to Agent B in the same campaign.

I have tried to asign an specific IN-GROUP (let's says in-group B, an assign it to just Agent B). When both Agents are logged in to the Campaign (that contains both in-groups), the agent A also do see the ingroup B (despite of being asigned just to Agent B).

I have tried to manually delete row on vicidial_inboundgroup_users table (or similar), but automatically agent A is added as belonging to ingroup B (in spite of the fact that was just assigned to Agent B ONLY thru Admin interface).

When I transfer the call to the ingroup B as CLOSER LOCAL, it seems to be invalid per asterisk cli messages.

I have read some old posts regarding transfers between agents, and I have heard issues with this, but I am talking about year 2007, dont know how it is working today and found nothing related to this yet.

I have solved the issue just modifying the default context used for vici app dial (that is to say, I put an exten for sending that call to a inbound DID, an here I use AGENT as routing, and the call is sent to Agent B).

Could you please send me an update of this. We have already bought the manuals (Agent/Manager), nothing found there.

Below the versions used:

Vicidial Version:
VERSION: 2.4-359a
BUILD: 120213-1512

Queue Metric - Version:
QueueMetrics 12 lastest

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:10 pm

Postby williamconley » Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:22 pm

You did post your Vicidial version with build, cool, but please post the rest, especially installation method:
when you post, please post your entire configuration including (but not limited to) your installation method and vicidial version with build.

this IS a requirement for posting along with reading the stickies (at the top of each forum) and the manager's manual (available on, both free and paid versions)

You should also post: Asterisk version, telephony hardware (model number is helpful here), cluster information if you have one, and whether any other software is installed in the box. If your installation method is "from scratch" you must post your operating system and should also post the .iso version from which you installed your original operating system.

If this is a "Cloud" or "Virtual" server, please note the technology involved along with the version of that techology (ie: VMware Server Version 2.0.2). If it is not, merely stating the Motherboard model # and CPU would be helpful.

Similar to This:

Vicibox X.X from .iso | Vicidial X.X.X-XXX Build XXXXXX-XXXX | Asterisk X.X.X | Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel DG35EC | Core2Quad Q6600

Please also post your actual settings regarding the "Transfer Group" and "Ingroup" for the two agents involved (the one sending the call and the one receiving the call). General statements about "assign it" will not likely result in a technical solution. Details, however, may. :)
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