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inbound caller ID name

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:10 am
by plazma
Is it possible to set a caller ID name on inbound calls within the GUI going directly from DID to a phone?

I have a few numbers and the staff need to be able to answer the call with a different business name depending on the inbound number that has been called so they need to know what number has been called when it hits their phone.

Its probably in the DID route section somewhere and i've just missed it (couldnt see anything in the manual).

Thanks in advance for anything replies :)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:02 pm
by williamconley
You did not state how these "staffers" will be receiving their calls. Are they logged in agents? Are they remote agents? On-Hook Remote or logged in agents?

On-Hook CID - This option is only used for agents that are logged in with phones that have the agent-on-hook feature enabled. This is the caller ID that will show up on their agent phones when the calls are ringing. GENERIC is a generic RINGAGENT00000000001 type of notification. INGROUP will show only the in-group the call came from. CUSTOMER_PHONE will show only the customer phone number. CUSTOMER_PHONE_RINGAGENT will show RINGAGENT_3125551212 with the RINGAGENT as part of the CID with the customer phone number. CUSTOMER_PHONE_INGROUP will show the first 10 characters of the in-group followed by the customer phone number. Default is GENERIC.