by Davidian » Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:55 am
Hi there,
we have had some seriously terrible connectivity issues the last month on our Vicidial server.
It started that at 12:20, 2:20, 3:20 and 4:20 we would not connect to any calls for 6-8 minutes.
Our provider told us it was because our DB server was old and could not handle the 8gb database, so we upgraded to 2 brand new servers from them.
we still got the same issues.
they then said that it was because the dialler was being run too hard (even though we have always run it the same, between 6-8 for most of the day, but sometimes we run it up to 15 when we only have our troublesome areas left)
The problems have worsened, to the point where every 20-30 minuites we lose connectivity for 10 mins or so...
When this happens our IP phones take 45s+ to even get a dial tone and start ringing
Our provider said that it was a problem on our network, but we went through everything and it wasn't, then it was a problem with our lease line which we checked, got our provider to check, basically they kept throwing it back at it being everyone elses problem, yet we and others have checked everything else and cannot find any issues.
Our provider have now said that the issue is we run the dialler too high and have bad data again.
They also don’t like the “random new 2” – this choses one random lead, one new lead, whereas downcount only dials the least called leads.
Downcount does not work well for us because some of our areas have had a few calls and do not get called until the other lists are off, whereas random new 2 dials well.
When we are not suffering these issues, I can have the dialler on 6-8 Adapt hard limit, random new 2 with a wait time sub 20 seconds
If the issue is DATA and having the dialler up to hard, why when we had the dialler on Ratio 4 Downcount for an hour (under their advisement) would we STILL have had connection issues, we even saw someone at nobel turn the dialler up to 6, and we were still not connecting.
During this time if we tried to dial out of our phones it would take about a minute to even start ringing, which is why the dialler is returning our data as NA’s
In some instances it connected calls then cut them off.
We manually rang a batch of data that the dialler had gone through in this time. It had put it all as NA, in some instances it should have been DC, some should have been actual connections, so the dialler was putting stuff through as NA’s even though it wasn’t. (As I said ratio 4 downcount was returning the same issues as having it up higher)
So the DATA is not an issue as we tested it (yes of course a percentage is bad, but not all) – and how hard we are running the dialler is also not the issue
The dialler has been run much higher that I run it in the past without issues
Today we ran it slower than normal, the way our provider wanted us too, and still had the same issues.
I did turn it up after that so that when we have our “good patches” we got more calls.
One thing we did notice is that when there were less people on the server we didn’t seem to get any issues.
With a 20mb lease line and new servers I can’t imagine there are any issues our end – in fact we have been pinging the server our end and during the connectivity issues the ping has remained the same, usually around 2ms
That leaves our providers systems not being able to cope with the amount of data we are trying to put across it.
There are plenty of posts on Vicidial with people getting wait time sub 15 seconds and no connection issues – yet our provider seem to think we should aim for a minute between calls. – this again makes me think their systems cannot handle the data load.
We tried making the max calls per server 30 instead of 60 (so overall 90 instead of 180) wait times worsened, same connection issues.
I’m not sure what is left apart from new dialler or provider.
Any ideas? (thanks in advance for your help)