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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:32 pm
by ruben23
Multi Server- 2DBRelication M/S(HA,HearBeat/MON),Web(Proxmox_VMs-LoadBalance),3-telephony
ASterisk 1.4.27-vici
2.4 svntrunk
Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS
Scracth Install
VERSION: 2.4-357a
BUILD: 120125-2107
© 2012 ViciDial Group


With regards to Mysql replication Master/Slave, did you add up setting on SVNtrunks that would utilized the slave server for reading functions on vicidial and somehow take part on the Master Mysql server Load process.? rather than setting idle and replication function only with master binlog;

i saw this on the system settings also:

Slave Database Server:
Reports to use Slave DB:

Is this the part of it..? Thanks

Re: SVNtrunk_Replication

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:58 pm
by mflorell
running reports on the slave server is currently the only set of options related to using the slave server for reads.

Selects relating to call routing and agent activity sometimes involves locks which you could not run on a slave DB, which is why we have not worked on that.

Re: SVNtrunk_Replication

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:17 pm
by ruben23

How about Slave database be able to handle multiple reports function, so i can select number of report fucntions not only one..? si this possible, coz i observed the Slave DB load not even moving, load average 0.49 only..might addional jobs would help also lessen the masters job..

Re: SVNtrunk_Replication

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:31 pm
by mflorell
I'm not sure I understand your question, could you explain in more detail exactly what you are talking about?

Re: SVNtrunk_Replication

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:40 pm
by ruben23

I mean the read function fo Slave Database on viciidial is only this:

Slave Database Server:
Reports to use Slave DB: -->(you can select only single Report task to be assigned on Slave Db, is this possible that Slave can do select task in multiple report at the same time)

so we can assigned like realtiem report,realtime Summary,Inbound report,Outbound calling report. Not only one task.

Hpe its a bit clearer.

Re: SVNtrunk_Replication

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:49 am
by mflorell
You hold the Ctrl key down as you click on more than one report, that way you can select as many as you want, this is a Multi-Select list.