Slow DB at 120 live, aiming for 350+ live agents.

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Slow DB at 120 live, aiming for 350+ live agents.

Postby Vince-0 » Mon May 07, 2012 7:52 am

We look to install and maintain a sizeable multi-server environment with manual, ratio and adapt dialing up to 4 ratio and blended campaigns for a client with up to 350 live agents per campaign. My specs tested for 120 live agents across around 7 simultaneous campaigns:

    OS: OpenSuse from Vicidial 3.1.15 from Vicibox Redux preload ISO
    Vicidial: 2.4-351a
    MySQL: 5.1.57-log SUSE MySQL RPM
    Server Specs of various Dells eg 1950:
    DB x1: Dual Xeon E5530@2.40Ghz, 16GB RAM, 15k RPM SAS RAID10 4 drives, Perc6i Logic MegaRAID SAS 1078.
    Dialer x4: Dual Xeon L5420@2.5Ghz 16GB RAM, 15k RPM SAS RAID1 2 drives, Symbios Logic SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS.
    Web x1: Dual Xeon E5420@2.5Ghz 16GB RAM, 15k RPM SAS RAID1 2 drives, Symbios Logic SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS
    Codecs: G729a
    Carrier: VOIP over IAX2

My problem is that I see database software bottlenecks with sometimes over 30 calls waiting while there are agents available at around 120 live agents.
I am not confident to support 350 agents on a single multi-server system because I see database queries to the vicidial_log table in particular taking over 8 seconds to return when there are many calls waiting to be connected to a waiting agent although I'm not sure if this converts to dropped calls or a business performance problem. Example from MySQL slow query log:

Code: Select all
# Time: 120505 15:55:26
# User@Host: cron[cron] @  []
# Query_time: 8.505915  Lock_time: 3.828021 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 4375907
SET timestamp=1336226126;
UPDATE vicidial_log FORCE INDEX(lead_id) set status='ADC' where lead_id = '90******' and uniqueid LIKE "13********%";
# User@Host: cron[cron] @  []
# Query_time: 6.365207  Lock_time: 3.287518 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 2184425
SET timestamp=1336226234;
UPDATE vicidial_list set status='PU' where lead_id='60********' and status NOT IN('CBHOLD','CALLBK');
# Time: 120507 11:30:54
# User@Host: cron[cron] @  []
# Query_time: 4.296744  Lock_time: 0.000043 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 4381492
SET timestamp=1336383054;
UPDATE vicidial_log FORCE INDEX(lead_id) set status='ADC' where lead_id = '70*******' and uniqueid LIKE "13********%";

I don't see a direct disc bottleneck on the DB server where the disk util% is not even 10%. I've looked at the usual MySQL optimizations, indexes and even moved records older than 2 months to backup tables to keep the scans lean.

What's the reason the vicidial_log updates force index lead_id?
Should I consider table partitioning across multiple servers or MariaDB?
What do I need to do to max out the number of live agents on the system and aim for 500+?
I realise splitting up the agents to different systems is possible but it adds reporting and managment overhead. The company I work for is considering official paid support for this implementation and hand-over to guarantee at least 350 live agents if it is feasible.

I would appreciate any suggestions for now, thanks!
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Re: Slow DB at 120 live, aiming for 350+ live agents.

Postby mflorell » Mon May 07, 2012 12:51 pm

You can easily scale vicidial to 500 agents providing you use the proper hardware and manage the system correctly.

First of all, I would recommend not using Dell servers, at the very least get a real LSI MegaRAID RAID SAS card, not a perc, there are very significant differences that will have an effect on your system as it grows. For 500 seats you will need at least a quad-quad-core CPU setup with 64GB RAM.

Second, you need to roll your logs regularly with the archive script, you can usually schedule this to run once a week on the weekend to not cause issues in production.

That's the starting point, if you don't do those two things you will run into problems. We manage several clients of this size, and we know this works.
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Re: Slow DB at 120 live, aiming for 350+ live agents.

Postby Vince-0 » Tue May 08, 2012 2:35 am

Thanks for the recommendations Matt!
I'm going to contact to get the exact spec for all the server hardware and some support on the implementation for this.
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