Custom Fields Setup

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Custom Fields Setup

Postby benghoi » Wed May 09, 2012 1:39 pm


Is anybody know how to set this features?

I saw this steps in Manager Manual but i still got an issue:

1. To access custom fields, you will need to set “Enable Custom List Fields” to 1.
2. Then “Custom Fields Modify” will need to enabled for the User that will be creating the custom
fields. That field is located in the User modifications page, beneath “Amin Interface Options”.
3. Select “Lists”, and click on the list you wish to add custom field to. Scroll to the bottom of the list
modification page and select the link “Custom fields defined for this list:0”. Once the additional fields
have been created on this list, the 0 will be replaced with the total number of custom fields.
4. Custom fields can be used to create a wide range of field types (See the Custom Fields section of
this manual for more information), but for this tutorial we will create a multiple choice pulldown menu.
It's a common request and is more complex than creating a simple text field.
New Field Rank: 1
New Field Order: 1
Field Label: favorite_color (This is the unique database identifier for this custom field. After
this has been submitted, this will be the only field that can not be edited)
Field Name: What is your favorite color? (This is what will appear beside the field, in the agent
interface, that prompts the agent to ask for this information.)
Field Name Position: LEFT (This is where the Field Name will appear, in relation to the custom
Field Description: Favorite Color (The description of the field that appears in the Admin
Field Help: Select from pulldown (These are the additional instructions the agent will see if
they select the “help” link next this custom field.)
Field Type: MULTI (This determines the type of field this will be. I've selected MULTI to
create a pulldown menu of possible options.)
Field Options: red, Red
blue, Blue
silver, Silver
(the Field Options are entirely dependent on Field Type. For the pulldown example, each line
represents a possible entry. First is how the response will appear in the database. Then, separated by a
comma, is how the entry would appear on the pulldown in the agent's interface.)
Option Position: HORIZONTAL (How the options for this custom field are arranged.)
Field Size: 3 (This field will mean different things, depending on what Field Type was chosen.
For MULTI, it represents the number of options that will be visible when the agent clicks the pulldown
menu. In this case, I want them to see all 3 options.)
Field Max: blank (Another Field that will mean different things depending on what Field Type
was selected. It's not used for MULTI, so leave it empty.
Field Default: NULL (This option already placed in the field to start. If the agent does not
2012-04-29 version 50 ©2012 Vicidial Group
update this field while on the phone with the customer, this will submitted as the response. This Field
must have either contain data or be NULL, but it can not be left blank. You will receive an error
attempting to load leads onto a list that has left this field blank.)
Field Required: NO (This field is not yet functional so you can leave this set at the default
3. Click “submit” at the bottom of the page to create the custom field.
4. The page will re-load showing a overview of the newly created field at the top in blue. Below, in
white, is an example of how the custom field would appear on the agent interface. You also have the
ability to go back and edit anything but Field Label on your previous entries.
5. Now the list ready. If you load leads onto it, using the web-based lead loader, The customer fields
now appear on the load screen where you define the terms.
6. When an agent is connected to a call from a lead in this list, their interface will display all the
custom fields on their Form tab.

In step 5, its says that "the customer fields now appear on the load screen", but when i load a new leads there is custom fields appear. Please Help... Thanks
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Re: Custom Fields Setup

Postby benghoi » Wed May 09, 2012 1:48 pm

sorry guys, i mean there is no custom fields appear, when im going to load a new leads.
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Re: Custom Fields Setup

Postby cyberchoy123 » Thu May 10, 2012 10:21 am

upgrade your Vicidial through SVN and enable it to the admin section Form Fields
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Re: Custom Fields Setup

Postby cyberchoy123 » Thu May 10, 2012 10:24 am

Custom Fields i mean
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Re: Custom Fields Setup

Postby benghoi » Wed May 16, 2012 9:26 am

hi cyberchoy,

I already update SVN and enable it to the admin, i can also modify custom fields, but the problem now, when im going to load the leads, i can't see the custom fields that created. by the way, this is how i do it when im going to load the leads:

1. Go to Lists > Load New Leads
2. Browse the file > Select phone code Override to 1 - USA
3. File Layout use: Custom Layout
4. Lead Duplicate: Check for duplicates by phone in list ID
5. Click Submit

After i clicked submit, these are the only fields are there:

Are the fields that i created save in database?
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