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BCAST transfer

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 7:35 pm
by ruben23
Multi Server- 2DBRelication M/S(HA,HearBeat/MON),Web(Proxmox_VMs-LoadBalance),3-telephony
ASterisk 1.4.27-vici
2.4 svntrunk
Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS
Scracth Install
VERSION: 2.4-357a
BUILD: 120125-2107
© 2012 ViciDial Group

Hi guys i have question becasue teh Broadcast Agent trransfer method works when agent login on teh same campaign where the survery press1 is setup, is it possible to transfer it on a different campaing login as ingroup/ blended becasue i tried it, on teh remote setting i select teh Ingroup itself but it hangup when i press 1 and not being tranfered but when agents login locally to the broadcast campaign teh trasnfer work, does this depends on teh external extensions i put coz currently i setup : 8300. Any suggestion thanks

Re: BCAST transfer

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:14 pm
by williamconley
1) You should provide a link to the installation instructions you followed for your installation.

2) You state that you use extension 8300, but show no configuration information regarding how you expect these calls to arrive at an agent. Extension 8300 is used to hang up phone calls.

3) If you want to send calls to an agent or call center that is not logged in, this is what "remote agents" are for. Read the manual regarding proper setup of remote agents and you may find your solution.