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Rest Mysql Var Script

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 4:19 am
by sohaib
Hi there,

My name is Sohaib I would like to know what does do?

I have set it on crontab and when this scripts runs it shows some query running on mtop but as i m not so good in mysql so i dont get clue what actually it does?

Please let me know if anyone knows.

Thanks in advance.


Sohaib Khan

Re: Rest Mysql Var Script

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 9:32 am
by williamconley
Code: Select all
nano /usr/share/astguiclient/

when you post, please post your entire configuration including (but not limited to) your installation method and vicidial version with build.

this IS a requirement for posting along with reading the stickies (at the top of each forum) and the manager's manual (available on, both free and paid versions)

You should also post: Asterisk version, telephony hardware (model number is helpful here), cluster information if you have one, and whether any other software is installed in the box. If your installation method is "from scratch" you must post your operating system and should also post the .iso version from which you installed your original operating system. If your installation is "Hosted" list the site name of the host.

If this is a "Cloud" or "Virtual" server, please note the technology involved along with the version of that techology (ie: VMware Server Version 2.0.2). If it is not, merely stating the Motherboard model # and CPU would be helpful.

Similar to This:

Vicibox X.X from .iso | Vicidial X.X.X-XXX Build XXXXXX-XXXX | Asterisk X.X.X | Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel DG35EC | Core2Quad Q6600

Re: Rest Mysql Var Script

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:16 am
by sohaib

My bad... please accept my apology...

Actually i opened the file but as i mentioned in my last post i am not good in Mysql so i don't understand sql thing written in that script.

VERSION: 2.2.1-237
BUILD: 100510-2015
Quadcore Gx360

Re: Rest Mysql Var Script

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:10 pm
by williamconley
If you are not good at mysql, why are you discussing the technical details of what a mysql script does?

It's like saying "I'm not any good at mechanics, but how do you rebuild an engine, step by step?"

Without an idea of what you want to do, the only answer I can give is already given. If you were to give some glimpse into what you require this information for or what you are trying to accomplish ... that would make it possible to give a more "on point" answer.

If you are "just curious", read the script line by line and you will see what it does. If you have a question about a line ... ask!