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Vicidial suddenly stopped working! Agent Problem!

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:01 am
by leonidas
Hello all,

Suddenly my Vicidial, stopped working. All the agent logged off and then logged in again, but their phones didn't ring at all!

After logging they got an error message: Noone is in your seesion: 8600060

What can i do for this? Suddenly the Vicidial, doesn't identify the ip phones!

I got no error at all! Everything looks well!

Any suggestion?

Re: Vicidial suddenly stopped working! Agent Problem!

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 5:36 am
by leonidas
For the record,

The problem solved by repairing the database with the following command:

mysqlcheck -u cron -p --auto-repair --check --optimize --all-databases
