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WebForm recording_filename and recording_id URL Parameters

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:45 pm
by zando101

I'm using the webform feature and posting some URL parameters as well.

There are some URL vars that are not being populated and I'm wondering if this is normal.

Here's a section of the post vars.

The dots (....) and asterisks (***) are my edits to trim text =>

Parameters: {"CF_uses_custom_fields"=>"Y", "agent_id"=>"1004", "first"=>"DAVID", "last"=>"R***R", "phone"=>"937*****",
"script_width"=>"600", "script_height"=>"431", "fullname"=>"Paul ******", "recording_filename"=>"", "recording_id"=>"", .....}

My question is at the call connect and webform launch the recording_filename and recording_id
values are empty. Is it possible that these can be sent via the webphone as soon
as the call connects?

I don't actually expect to have these two values at the time of call connect
but it would be great if they were.

Re: WebForm recording_filename and recording_id URL Paramete

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 6:33 am
by mflorell
If you trigger the webform using the Timer options and set it for a few seconds it will be able to populate them before popping up the webform.