custom fields question

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custom fields question

Postby callcen » Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:17 pm

So i've setup custom fields and it looks great (really like this tab, great work guys).

My question though is once the data is filled out in the custom field (weather its a tick box or text field... i have lots of each) what can i do with this data once the call has ended.

Now i know i can search the dialed number through Lists > Search for a lead and see the filled out form data but is there another way to see this data through a report or some other function?

Lets say i set the dispostion to something i create, lets say "appointment made" is there a way for me to search on statuses using a date/time? So in this case i would search of a date/time for all disposition statuses set to "appointment made".

The reason i ask is we set appointments for clients over the phone, we then have reps go out to see the clients, we need to be able to search on appointments that have been set for today or tomorrow etc.
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Re: custom fields question

Postby spacejanitor » Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:53 pm

Also interested in hearing more about this.
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