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GMT time in manual Dial

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:55 am
by uperformkarthick

When I do a lead search the last call time was wrong. Then I found that the phone code is causing the issue and fixed it.

Now when I do a manual dial with the phone code it is setting GMT correctly in the database but last call time shows the value of GMT 0.

Is it a bug or I am missing some thing.


ViciBox server 3.1.14 | Vicidial VERSION: 2.4-351a
BUILD: 111223-0043 | Asterisk | 1 DB/web Server / 1 Telephony Server | Hardware: Digium te420 4 port card | No Extra Software After Installation

Re: GMT time in manual Dial

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:52 am
by mcargile
I believe the field you are referring to is the last local call time. This is the time local to the person you called. So if they are in GMT 0 this is perfectly correct.

Re: GMT time in manual Dial

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:18 am
by uperformkarthick
Hi Michael,

I have checked the database. When there is GMT 0 the local call time should be the server time right?

But it is shows around 5 hours difference. I have also changed the GMT setting in the PHP and checked all the phone and server configurations in the vicidial.

I have upgraded to latest version (VERSION: 2.6-370a BUILD: 120529-2112)and the issue is resolved. But I am facing a strange issue when I click on the campaign details page it is showing empty and I am not able to save any changes.

Sorry for the delayed reply. I appreciate your support.


Re: GMT time in manual Dial

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:16 am
by uperformkarthick
Latest version is working fine. I have ran 2.4 sql upgrade instead of 2.6 sql upgrade.

Sorry for this mess.

Thank you for the support.

Karthik Raha