Lock down who sees recordings

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Lock down who sees recordings

Postby udfxrookie » Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:50 pm

How do you lock down who can see the recordings attached to leads? I still want my managers to be able to access the lead to see details but I don't want them seeing the recording link.... however I want the Administrators to be able to see it which is a different group.

Is this possible? And of course how is it done?
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Re: Lock down who sees recordings

Postby mcargile » Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:33 pm

There is nothing in Vicidial that would allow you to do this. You should be able to add a password to the RECORDINGS directory in apache though so only people who know that password would be able to access them. You can do this using .htaccess files. There are far better walkthroughs on Google on how to do this that I could put together. The recordings are stored in /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/ if they have not been sent to an archive server.
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