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Load Average Concern

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:22 pm
by kamirie
Scratch Install
VERSION: 2.2.1-237
BUILD: 100510-2015
Debian 5.6
Asterisk version : ... 1.pdf.html

Single Server
Intel R i7 870 2.93Ghz

I just want to ask what may cause the load average to reach 8 above with just 9 agents online , This is a server transferred to this floor but we used this same server on the other office for 1yr now and it didn't had this load average. It spikes to 4,5 and even 9 but usually it's on 2 or below. What other factors can affect the load average of a server? and when i use /proc/meminfo there is 4gb on cache and only 2.something RAM available

Re: Load Average Concern

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:47 pm
by williamconley
often the php module "eaccelerator" misfiring or being overlooked can cause serious overuse of cpu.

but how many processors does this i7 have?

2.93Ghz is nice ... but if it's a two processor i7 (?), 8 or 9 users may be stretching it. especially if you are recording all calls and using g729 while dialing 10:1

Why are you not using a stock Vicibox installation if I may ask? (tends to avoid situations like this ... Kumba has put a lot of work into creating a clean Vicidial Environment!)

Re: Load Average Concern

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:24 pm
by kamirie
When i issue cat /proc/cpuinfo there will be 8 processor from processor 0 - 7 . Is there a fix for the eaccelerator to prevent it from misfiring?

This guide was given by the one who thought me to install, at first i was just installing base OS ( Debian ) then following that guide and asking questions here in forums , was able to setup a working server. I'm also wanting to have an alternative and updated way of installing vicidial. I downloaded Gotodial ISO but not tried it yet , is vicibox installer also free/opensource for installation and can i use it for production purposes?

Re: Load Average Concern

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:38 am
by uperformkarthick
We are using vicibox in 60 seaters outbound call center in production without any issues.

Karthik Raja

Re: Load Average Concern

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:43 am
by rrb555
I've been using Vicibox for years now and no issue, if any I just get the attention of Matt , Kumba or any Vicidial team to help me fix the problem.

I have 5 servers now

for your reference

Re: Load Average Concern

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:45 pm
by williamconley
kamirie wrote:When i issue cat /proc/cpuinfo there will be 8 processor from processor 0 - 7 . Is there a fix for the eaccelerator to prevent it from misfiring?

This guide was given by the one who thought me to install, at first i was just installing base OS ( Debian ) then following that guide and asking questions here in forums , was able to setup a working server. I'm also wanting to have an alternative and updated way of installing vicidial. I downloaded Gotodial ISO but not tried it yet , is vicibox installer also free/opensource for installation and can i use it for production purposes? supplies the Official Free OpenSource Vicidial installation system supported by The Vicidial Group.

We use it in all our stock systems (although we do have a few clients with GoAutoDial).

Re: Load Average Concern

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:37 am
by kamirie
Thanks for the feedback and response's, will download and learn vicibox. .