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Ratio Problem

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:40 am
by GerhardL
Hi there,

I am a BA for a company who also has an outbound call centre. We use ViciDial and the administrators have asked me to help. We only implemented VD 2 months ago, so are still learning.

We need some guidance please.

Lately we have been experiencing issues where ViciDial’s agent wait time will be very high. The reaction then is to increase the ratio.

This morning I sat with them and we started with a 1.6 ratio and everything worked fine for about half an hour. We are aiming at an average wait time of 20 seconds. We were on 25 for the first while. This gradually increase and is now on 49, even though we are increasing the ratio level.

I’ve also decreased the number of seconds a phone will ring before VD decides it’s a No Answer from 30 to 25.

We have plenty of dialable leads in the hopper. Currently the ratio is set to 4. With 34 agents waiting for a call, VD is making only 24 calls. How is this possible if the ratio is on 4?

We have about 60 agents logged in. Please let me know what other info you need. We want to use Ratio and not predictive mode.



Re: Ratio Problem

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:29 am
by uperformkarthick
Please increase max trunks in admin > server > vicidial server settings.


Re: Ratio Problem

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:52 am
by GerhardL
It is currently set to 20 on both servers. That is way more than is being dialed at the same time.

But I want to increase and test (as well as the Max Calls per Second, currently set to 10 on both servers) - just need our IT dept to confirm if I can do this and how it will affect other processes on the servers.

Thanks - will report back.

Re: Ratio Problem

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:35 am
by GerhardL
That worked perfectly - thank you Karthik.