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Disallow Calls Directly Dialed thru Xlite

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:58 pm
by enavaro
Hi to all ViCi Guru,

How can I disable calls that directly dialed thru Xlite using the ViCi GUI admin in the phone section? Our agents discovered the dial prefix and now they using it.

I saw a guide here that can disable by configuring the sip.conf but for the purpose of user-friendly we wanted to know thru the gui way.

Hope you can give me hint and tips.

Many thanks,


Re: Disallow Calls Directly Dialed thru Xlite

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:17 pm
by williamconley
Last time I tested this configuration option (which I could swear is in the Manager's Manual ...), I believe we did it simply by changing the "Exten Context" of the phones from "default" to any non-existent context (such as "agents"). You then have the option of creating that context and pointing all calls dialed to an administrator's phone! LOL

Don't forget to wait a couple minutes for it to take effect before testing.