When attempting goautodial agent login, at first it seems like the agent is logged in and I can see the agent's page, but after a few seconds I am forwarded to another page where I see this error... "There is a time synchronization problem with your system"
The softphone is registered for that extension, no issues there at all. I have verified the time on the server, it matches the time on the agent's page before I get the error, the GMT offset is correct on both the server config and the systems running the individual softphone clients. When attempting to login I do not see anything relevant in SIP debug, nothing seems to be happening at all... it seems like it never makes it to Asterisk at all.
The open screens looks correct to me, but I am new to this
[root@localhost asterisk]# screen -ls
There are screens on:
3317.goautodial_d (Detached)
3083.astshell20120713184555 (Detached)
3345.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
3348.ASTfastlog (Detached)
3160.asterisk (Detached)
5 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-root.
I am very familiar with asterisk and SIP in general, but I am completely new to vicidial and goautodial, I could really use some help from someone more experienced with the CRM and dialer.