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Which agi trasnfer to use for load balancing

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:50 am
by bobbymc
server a, agents register to it and it is also part of the load balancing farm
server b, agents DONT register to it and its part of a load balancing farm

there is LO and LB .. which do i use for server a and b

Re: Which agi trasnfer to use for load balancing

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:13 am
by omarrodriguezt
Hello, ¿Can you please post your system version?

Re: Which agi trasnfer to use for load balancing

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:34 pm
by bobbymc
upgraded to trunk 1842 which i found out does not use LO anymore since there is no performance decrease