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Safe Harbor 8307 count?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:52 pm
by keepers
Hey Team Vicidial,

Is there a way we can log, or is it already in the code, the number of times the drop action sent to extension 8307 occurs? Our drop action is to play a safe harbor message and we would like to log this info. We can even database it if we need.

Long story short we would like to know when and how many times our safe harbor message is played.

If there isn't a gui way to do this would we have to add some script to extensions.conf ???

Your help is greatly appreciated.

VERSION: 2.4-361a
BUILD: 120221-1647
SVN 1805

Re: Safe Harbor 8307 count?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:00 pm
by williamconley
Please post your installation method in addition to your other version information (very helpful).

Have you looked at the existing reports to see if any meet your needs?

Have you checked the VDAD report for the campaign in question, specifically?

Re: Safe Harbor 8307 count?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:29 pm
by keepers
I do see the average length of dropped calls in the VDAD report. However I do not see anything where it says how many times the safe harbor message was played. I don't believe this is in any reports that is why I was asking if I needed to add a script?

The reason I am asking is... if the drop timeout is set to 2 seconds and message is the action... If I have 2 dropped outbound calls, one that waits the two seconds and hears the safe harbor message and the other that hangs up after one second, I would like to know that that the safe harbor message was played 1 time.

Appreciate your reply.

Re: Safe Harbor 8307 count?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:21 pm
by williamconley
you would have to check the safe harbor portion of the script and see if it logs anywhere.