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My SQL filter setup

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:23 pm
by Cj4life24
Ok i need help setting up a filter to filter the call dispositions can anyone please help me with this.

wht i need:

I need a filter that will take calls dispoed as NI and mark them to not be called for 14 days and then if they are dispoed after being called a second time mark them to not be calld back for 45 days.

can anyone please help me

Re: My SQL filter setup

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:59 am
by williamconley
1) good job posting your specs ... but: If you are using Vicibox Redux 3.1.9, you are not using OpenSuSE 11.2, you may want to look again. Also "intel i5-2310" is interesting, but the Motherboard Model Number is very useful while the CPU ID is really ... not. The Installers have to install drivers to interact with the chipset on the motherboard. So knowing which motherboard gives us a "good" chipset listing (handy for someone trying to find a compatible motherboard). But the ID number of the CPU doesn't give anyone the Speed or number of cores or anything useful without "looking it up" (which noone is going to do!). So: Listing the Motherboard Model is useful, listing your CPU speed and number of cores helps us to understand your system for troubleshooting "capacity" issues, but the ID of the CPU ... well ...

2) Setting a filter for "do not call any lead whose disposition is NI and who has been called in the last 14 days" is not difficult. Then you would have the agents choose "NI2" the second time and add (to the existing script) "and do not call any lead whose disposition is NI2 and who has been called in the last 45 days". Unfortunately I don't have time to write this right now, but if you can't get it I'll help out on the next run through!

3) An alternative would be to use a dispo url script to move these leads to another list (that's not dialable because it is in a dormant campaign) and run a nightly script to "awaken" those leads whose time is up by putting them back in the dialable list.

Re: My SQL filter setup

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:43 pm
by Cj4life24
Ok thatnk you for the help i will update my signature with the motherboard time and chip set type and double check my CPU.

I know i do run open suse 11.2 because my boot menu will boot into open suse. i think my Vici Redux runs on top of it but not to sure. Unfortunately i was thrown into this job with no training and am having to learn this on my own. I am not a SQL person i actually hate SQL (probably cause my teacher) so i an really kind of scared to do anything as far a filters go because i don't want to mess it up. i do have one question how would i go about writing a url script to do what you had mentioned in #3 this to me seems like a good way also so i can moniter that it is working properly

Re: My SQL filter setup

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:47 pm
by williamconley
dispo url scripts are normally written in PHP. If you do not know how to write the sql portion of the script, however, this method will present the same challenge ultimately. But the nice thing about a php mysql script is that you can "see" the output generated before making any permanent changes.

however, this requires knowledge of php ... ;)

Re: My SQL filter setup

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:36 am
by Cj4life24
OK i live the idea of seeing the output before permanent changes. I guess it is just that time to jump back in to sql and just do it. I appreciate the help a lot man ( even know it was not what i wanted to but it is something i have know i need to do for a little while now. Thanks again