vicidial login issue
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:54 pm
I have installed vicidial in ubuntu 10.04LTS server . Before a week Its working fine . i have upgraded apache-2.2.14 to 2.2.22 version and latest linux supporting file in this server. Asterisk and vicidial working but i can't login to vicidial agent screen . Asterisk meetme(conference) call is not bridged to softphone(Xlite).
Below the my version and configuration details :
Vicidial Version : 2.4-357a
PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3
Mysql 5.5.22-0ubuntu1
enabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =
secret = 1234
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
secret = 1234
read = command
write = command
secret = 1234
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = command
secret = 1234
read = command
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
secret = nagiosadmin
conf => 8600
conf => 8601,1234
#include meetme-vicidial.conf
; ViciDial Conferences:
conf => 8600051
conf => 8600052
conf => 8600053
conf => 8600054
conf => 8600055
conf => 8600056
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conf => 8600299
; Conferences:
conf => 8600001
conf => 8600002
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conf => 8600047
conf => 8600048
conf => 8600049
conf => 8600051
conf => 8600052
# /etc/astguiclient.conf - configuration elements for the astguiclient/vicidial package
# this is the astguiclient configuration file
# all comments will be lost if you run again
# Paths used by astGUIclient
PATHhome => /var/www
PATHlogs => /var/log/astguiclient
PATHagi => /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
PATHweb => /var/www
PATHsounds => /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
PATHmonitor => /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
PATHDONEmonitor => /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE
# The IP address of this machine
VARserver_ip =>
# Database connection information
VARDB_server => localhost
VARDB_database => asterisk
VARDB_user => xxxxxxxx
VARDB_pass => xxxxxxxxxxxx
VARDB_custom_user => xxxxxxxxxxx
VARDB_custom_pass => xxxxxxxxx
VARDB_port => 3306
# Alpha-Numeric list of the astGUIclient processes to be kept running
# (value should be listing of characters with no spaces: 1234568)
# X - NO KEEPALIVE PROCESSES (use only if you want none to be keepalive)
# 1 - AST_update
# 2 - AST_send_listen
# 3 - AST_VDauto_dial
# 4 - AST_VDremote_agents
# 5 - AST_VDadapt (If multi-server system, this must only be on one server)
# 6 - FastAGI_log
# 7 - AST_VDauto_dial_FILL (only for multi-server, this must only be on one server)
# 8 - ip_relay (used for blind agent monitoring)
# 9 - Timeclock auto logout
VARactive_keepalives => 1234568
# Asterisk version VICIDIAL is installed for
VARasterisk_version => 1.4
# FTP recording archive connection information
VARasterisk_version => 1.4
# FTP recording archive connection information
VARFTP_host =>
VARFTP_user => cron
VARFTP_pass => test
VARFTP_port => 21
VARHTTP_path =>
# REPORT server connection information
VARREPORT_user => cron
VARREPORT_pass => test
VARREPORT_port => 21
# Settings for FastAGI logging server
VARfastagi_log_min_servers => 3
VARfastagi_log_max_servers => 16
VARfastagi_log_min_spare_servers => 2
VARfastagi_log_max_spare_servers => 8
VARfastagi_log_max_requests => 1000
VARfastagi_log_checkfordead => 30
VARfastagi_log_checkforwait => 60
context=trunkinbound ; Default context for incoming calls
allowguest=no ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes)
allowoverlap=no ; Disable overlap dialing support. (Default is yes)
;allowtransfer=no ; Disable all transfers (unless enabled in peers or users)
;realm=mydomain.tld ; Realm for digest authentication
bindport=5060 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060)
bindaddr= ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all)
srvlookup=yes ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
;domain=mydomain.tld ; Set default domain for this host
;pedantic=yes ; Enable checking of tags in headers,
;tos_sip=cs3 ; Sets TOS for SIP packets.
;tos_audio=ef ; Sets TOS for RTP audio packets.
;tos_video=af41 ; Sets TOS for RTP video packets.
;maxexpiry=3600 ; Maximum allowed time of incoming registrations
;minexpiry=60 ; Minimum length of registrations/subscriptions (default 60)
;defaultexpiry=120 ; Default length of incoming/outgoing registration
;t1min=100 ; Minimum roundtrip time for messages to monitored hosts
;notifymimetype=text/plain ; Allow overriding of mime type in MWI NOTIFY
;checkmwi=10 ; Default time between mailbox checks for peers
;buggymwi=no ; Cisco SIP firmware doesn't support the MWI RFC
;vmexten=voicemail ; dialplan extension to reach mailbox sets the
disallow=all ; First disallow all codecs
allow=ulaw ; Allow codecs in order of preference
language=en ; Default language setting for all users/peers
relaxdtmf=yes ; Relax dtmf handling
trustrpid = no ; If Remote-Party-ID should be trusted
sendrpid = yes ; If Remote-Party-ID should be sent
progressinband=no ; If we should generate in-band ringing always
;useragent=Asterisk PBX ; Allows you to change the user agent string
;promiscredir = no ; If yes, allows 302 or REDIR to non-local SIP address
;usereqphone = no ; If yes, ";user=phone" is added to uri that contains
dtmfmode = rfc2833 ; Set default dtmfmode for sending DTMF. Default: rfc2833
;compactheaders = yes ; send compact sip headers.
videosupport=no ; Turn on support for SIP video. You need to turn this on
;maxcallbitrate=384 ; Maximum bitrate for video calls (default 384 kb/s)
callevents=yes ; generate manager events when sip ua
alwaysauthreject = yes ; When an incoming INVITE or REGISTER is to be rejected,
;g726nonstandard = yes ; If the peer negotiates G726-32 audio, use AAL2 packing
;matchexterniplocally = yes ; Only substitute the externip or externhost setting if it matches
rtptimeout=60 ; Terminate call if 60 seconds of no RTP or RTCP activity
;rtpholdtimeout=300 ; Terminate call if 300 seconds of no RTP or RTCP activity
;rtpkeepalive=<secs> ; Send keepalives in the RTP stream to keep NAT open
;sipdebug = yes ; Turn on SIP debugging by default, from
;recordhistory=yes ; Record SIP history by default
;dumphistory=yes ; Dump SIP history at end of SIP dialogue
;allowsubscribe=no ; Disable support for subscriptions. (Default is yes)
;subscribecontext = default ; Set a specific context for SUBSCRIBE requests
notifyringing = yes ; Notify subscriptions on RINGING state (default: no)
notifyhold = yes ; Notify subscriptions on HOLD state (default: no)
limitonpeers = yes ; Apply call limits on peers only. This will improve
;t38pt_udptl = yes ; Default false
;register =>
;registertimeout=20 ; retry registration calls every 20 seconds (default)
;registerattempts=10 ; Number of registration attempts before we give up
;externip = ; Address that we're going to put in outbound SIP
; ; Alternatively you can specify a domain
;externrefresh=10 ; How often to refresh externhost if
localnet=; All RFC 1918 addresses are local networks
localnet= ; Also RFC1918
localnet= ; Another RFC1918 with CIDR notation
localnet= ;Zero conf local network
nat=yes ; Global NAT settings (Affects all peers and users)
canreinvite=no ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect the
;directrtpsetup=yes ; Enable the new experimental direct RTP setup. This sets up
;rtcachefriends=yes ; Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list
;rtsavesysname=yes ; Save systemname in realtime database at registration
;rtupdate=yes ; Send registry updates to database using realtime? (yes|no)
;rtautoclear=yes ; Auto-Expire friends created on the fly on the same schedule
;ignoreregexpire=yes ; Enabling this setting has two functions:
;domain= ; Add IP address as local domain
;allowexternaldomains=no ; Disable INVITE and REFER to non-local domains
;autodomain=yes ; Turn this on to have Asterisk add local host
;fromdomain=mydomain.tld ; When making outbound SIP INVITEs to
jbenable = yes ; Enables the use of a jitterbuffer on the receiving side of a
jbforce = no ; Forces the use of a jitterbuffer on the receive side of a SIP
jbmaxsize = 100 ; Max length of the jitterbuffer in milliseconds.
jbresyncthreshold = 1000 ; Jump in the frame timestamps over which the jitterbuffer is
jbimpl = fixed ; Jitterbuffer implementation, used on the receiving side of a SIP
jblog = no ; Enables jitterbuffer frame logging. Defaults to "no".
qualify=yes ; By default, qualify all peers at 2000ms
limitonpeer = yes ; enable call limit on a per peer basis, different from limitonpeers
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"
<Directory "/usr/share/doc/">
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128
what am i doing wrong with my configuration . please help me .
Palanivel S
I have installed vicidial in ubuntu 10.04LTS server . Before a week Its working fine . i have upgraded apache-2.2.14 to 2.2.22 version and latest linux supporting file in this server. Asterisk and vicidial working but i can't login to vicidial agent screen . Asterisk meetme(conference) call is not bridged to softphone(Xlite).
Below the my version and configuration details :
Vicidial Version : 2.4-357a
PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3
Mysql 5.5.22-0ubuntu1
enabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =
secret = 1234
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
secret = 1234
read = command
write = command
secret = 1234
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = command
secret = 1234
read = command
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
secret = nagiosadmin
conf => 8600
conf => 8601,1234
#include meetme-vicidial.conf
; ViciDial Conferences:
conf => 8600051
conf => 8600052
conf => 8600053
conf => 8600054
conf => 8600055
conf => 8600056
conf => 8600057
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conf => 8600073
conf => 8600074
conf => 8600075
conf => 8600076
conf => 8600077
conf => 8600078
conf => 8600079
conf => 8600080
conf => 8600081
conf => 8600082
conf => 8600083
conf => 8600084
conf => 8600085
conf => 8600086
conf => 8600087
conf => 8600088
conf => 8600089
conf => 8600090
conf => 8600091
conf => 8600092
conf => 8600093
conf => 8600094
conf => 8600095
conf => 8600096
conf => 8600097
conf => 8600098
conf => 8600099
conf => 8600100
conf => 8600101
conf => 8600102
conf => 8600103
conf => 8600104
conf => 8600105
conf => 8600106
conf => 8600107
conf => 8600108
conf => 8600109
conf => 8600110
conf => 8600111
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conf => 8600113
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conf => 8600115
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conf => 8600118
conf => 8600119
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conf => 8600298
conf => 8600299
; Conferences:
conf => 8600001
conf => 8600002
conf => 8600003
conf => 8600004
conf => 8600005
conf => 8600006
conf => 8600007
conf => 8600008
conf => 8600009
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conf => 8600044
conf => 8600045
conf => 8600046
conf => 8600047
conf => 8600048
conf => 8600049
conf => 8600051
conf => 8600052
# /etc/astguiclient.conf - configuration elements for the astguiclient/vicidial package
# this is the astguiclient configuration file
# all comments will be lost if you run again
# Paths used by astGUIclient
PATHhome => /var/www
PATHlogs => /var/log/astguiclient
PATHagi => /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
PATHweb => /var/www
PATHsounds => /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
PATHmonitor => /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
PATHDONEmonitor => /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE
# The IP address of this machine
VARserver_ip =>
# Database connection information
VARDB_server => localhost
VARDB_database => asterisk
VARDB_user => xxxxxxxx
VARDB_pass => xxxxxxxxxxxx
VARDB_custom_user => xxxxxxxxxxx
VARDB_custom_pass => xxxxxxxxx
VARDB_port => 3306
# Alpha-Numeric list of the astGUIclient processes to be kept running
# (value should be listing of characters with no spaces: 1234568)
# X - NO KEEPALIVE PROCESSES (use only if you want none to be keepalive)
# 1 - AST_update
# 2 - AST_send_listen
# 3 - AST_VDauto_dial
# 4 - AST_VDremote_agents
# 5 - AST_VDadapt (If multi-server system, this must only be on one server)
# 6 - FastAGI_log
# 7 - AST_VDauto_dial_FILL (only for multi-server, this must only be on one server)
# 8 - ip_relay (used for blind agent monitoring)
# 9 - Timeclock auto logout
VARactive_keepalives => 1234568
# Asterisk version VICIDIAL is installed for
VARasterisk_version => 1.4
# FTP recording archive connection information
VARasterisk_version => 1.4
# FTP recording archive connection information
VARFTP_host =>
VARFTP_user => cron
VARFTP_pass => test
VARFTP_port => 21
VARHTTP_path =>
# REPORT server connection information
VARREPORT_user => cron
VARREPORT_pass => test
VARREPORT_port => 21
# Settings for FastAGI logging server
VARfastagi_log_min_servers => 3
VARfastagi_log_max_servers => 16
VARfastagi_log_min_spare_servers => 2
VARfastagi_log_max_spare_servers => 8
VARfastagi_log_max_requests => 1000
VARfastagi_log_checkfordead => 30
VARfastagi_log_checkforwait => 60
context=trunkinbound ; Default context for incoming calls
allowguest=no ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes)
allowoverlap=no ; Disable overlap dialing support. (Default is yes)
;allowtransfer=no ; Disable all transfers (unless enabled in peers or users)
;realm=mydomain.tld ; Realm for digest authentication
bindport=5060 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060)
bindaddr= ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all)
srvlookup=yes ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
;domain=mydomain.tld ; Set default domain for this host
;pedantic=yes ; Enable checking of tags in headers,
;tos_sip=cs3 ; Sets TOS for SIP packets.
;tos_audio=ef ; Sets TOS for RTP audio packets.
;tos_video=af41 ; Sets TOS for RTP video packets.
;maxexpiry=3600 ; Maximum allowed time of incoming registrations
;minexpiry=60 ; Minimum length of registrations/subscriptions (default 60)
;defaultexpiry=120 ; Default length of incoming/outgoing registration
;t1min=100 ; Minimum roundtrip time for messages to monitored hosts
;notifymimetype=text/plain ; Allow overriding of mime type in MWI NOTIFY
;checkmwi=10 ; Default time between mailbox checks for peers
;buggymwi=no ; Cisco SIP firmware doesn't support the MWI RFC
;vmexten=voicemail ; dialplan extension to reach mailbox sets the
disallow=all ; First disallow all codecs
allow=ulaw ; Allow codecs in order of preference
language=en ; Default language setting for all users/peers
relaxdtmf=yes ; Relax dtmf handling
trustrpid = no ; If Remote-Party-ID should be trusted
sendrpid = yes ; If Remote-Party-ID should be sent
progressinband=no ; If we should generate in-band ringing always
;useragent=Asterisk PBX ; Allows you to change the user agent string
;promiscredir = no ; If yes, allows 302 or REDIR to non-local SIP address
;usereqphone = no ; If yes, ";user=phone" is added to uri that contains
dtmfmode = rfc2833 ; Set default dtmfmode for sending DTMF. Default: rfc2833
;compactheaders = yes ; send compact sip headers.
videosupport=no ; Turn on support for SIP video. You need to turn this on
;maxcallbitrate=384 ; Maximum bitrate for video calls (default 384 kb/s)
callevents=yes ; generate manager events when sip ua
alwaysauthreject = yes ; When an incoming INVITE or REGISTER is to be rejected,
;g726nonstandard = yes ; If the peer negotiates G726-32 audio, use AAL2 packing
;matchexterniplocally = yes ; Only substitute the externip or externhost setting if it matches
rtptimeout=60 ; Terminate call if 60 seconds of no RTP or RTCP activity
;rtpholdtimeout=300 ; Terminate call if 300 seconds of no RTP or RTCP activity
;rtpkeepalive=<secs> ; Send keepalives in the RTP stream to keep NAT open
;sipdebug = yes ; Turn on SIP debugging by default, from
;recordhistory=yes ; Record SIP history by default
;dumphistory=yes ; Dump SIP history at end of SIP dialogue
;allowsubscribe=no ; Disable support for subscriptions. (Default is yes)
;subscribecontext = default ; Set a specific context for SUBSCRIBE requests
notifyringing = yes ; Notify subscriptions on RINGING state (default: no)
notifyhold = yes ; Notify subscriptions on HOLD state (default: no)
limitonpeers = yes ; Apply call limits on peers only. This will improve
;t38pt_udptl = yes ; Default false
;register =>
;registertimeout=20 ; retry registration calls every 20 seconds (default)
;registerattempts=10 ; Number of registration attempts before we give up
;externip = ; Address that we're going to put in outbound SIP
; ; Alternatively you can specify a domain
;externrefresh=10 ; How often to refresh externhost if
localnet=; All RFC 1918 addresses are local networks
localnet= ; Also RFC1918
localnet= ; Another RFC1918 with CIDR notation
localnet= ;Zero conf local network
nat=yes ; Global NAT settings (Affects all peers and users)
canreinvite=no ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect the
;directrtpsetup=yes ; Enable the new experimental direct RTP setup. This sets up
;rtcachefriends=yes ; Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list
;rtsavesysname=yes ; Save systemname in realtime database at registration
;rtupdate=yes ; Send registry updates to database using realtime? (yes|no)
;rtautoclear=yes ; Auto-Expire friends created on the fly on the same schedule
;ignoreregexpire=yes ; Enabling this setting has two functions:
;domain= ; Add IP address as local domain
;allowexternaldomains=no ; Disable INVITE and REFER to non-local domains
;autodomain=yes ; Turn this on to have Asterisk add local host
;fromdomain=mydomain.tld ; When making outbound SIP INVITEs to
jbenable = yes ; Enables the use of a jitterbuffer on the receiving side of a
jbforce = no ; Forces the use of a jitterbuffer on the receive side of a SIP
jbmaxsize = 100 ; Max length of the jitterbuffer in milliseconds.
jbresyncthreshold = 1000 ; Jump in the frame timestamps over which the jitterbuffer is
jbimpl = fixed ; Jitterbuffer implementation, used on the receiving side of a SIP
jblog = no ; Enables jitterbuffer frame logging. Defaults to "no".
qualify=yes ; By default, qualify all peers at 2000ms
limitonpeer = yes ; enable call limit on a per peer basis, different from limitonpeers
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"
<Directory "/usr/share/doc/">
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128
what am i doing wrong with my configuration . please help me .
Palanivel S