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Ring extension & Cell Phone
Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:33 pm
by spinto
Some phones in our system are for managers that do not logon to VICIdial. They'd like to know if there's a feature that allows their cell phone to ring whenever their extension is dialed. Basically simultaneous ringing. The only way I can think of doing this so far is to delete the phone from VICIdial and manually create it so that we can put in a dial command with multiple entries.
VERSION: 2.4-317a
BUILD: 110602-0941
Re: Ring extension & Cell Phone
Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:49 pm
by williamconley
This is in the Manager's Manual. You can have "sip" phones "iax2" phones or "external" phones. You are looking for "external".
Re: Ring extension & Cell Phone
Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:56 pm
by spinto
I understand that external is used if you'd like an external number dialed. What we'd like is to have both an internal extension and an external number dialed at the same time:
exten => 501,5,Dial(sip/exten501&&SIP/17862056588@vitel-outbound,20,TtrWwKk)
Re: Ring extension & Cell Phone
Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:54 am
by williamconley
ok, weirdo. one way we've used is to create an asterisk Queue. These have ringall capability. There are other ways of course, but that's one of them. Or you could use your example as a custom dialplan entry and use that extension as your "external" extension. Remember external does not mean "outside the building". In fact (!!) it means "local" dialing instead of sip or iax2. Local (aka: External!), of course, will be executed at "default" which is used to ... get outside the box! Local can also be used to get to agent phones, Queues, or custom diaplan entries.