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Manual Dial problem

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:12 pm
by rick27593
Hi, I have just moved into using vicidial/goautodial and for the most part I have it running fine. The only problems I have are with manually dialing and callbacks, and it's not a problem 100% of the time, but maybe 75%. When the call goes through, if it works, they hear the ring almost right away and the call goes normal. When it doesn't work it sits on waiting for ring on the agent screen for 10-15 seconds and then says live call. When it says live call, it rings the number on the other side, but neither side of the call hears each other, and the recording only hears the agent side also.
No matter which way it happens, it looks the exact same in SSH, shows that call is going out, setting the record location, and shows the connection to the voip server. If I direct dial though the phone and not the agent screen, it always works, no problem. From what I see, the autodialer also has no problem on this.
I also noticed it seems to be a more consistent problem on some phone numbers we call out to too. I am new to working with anything on Asterisk, so I am not sure what end the problem could even be in. We have the server on our end, and then we have our VOIP provider, I'm not sure if it could even be on the VOIP providers side.
I am not sure exactly what info you need to help, but here is what I can give you.

Kernel Version 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.goPAE (SMP)
Distro Name GoAutoDial CE 2.1
VERSION: 2.4-309a
BUILD: 110430-1642

We are currently calling Canadian numbers from our US number, but the problem has happened calling my US cell phone number too, though much less often.
If you need anymore information, please let me know where I can find it to give to you. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Manual Dial problem

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:31 pm
by williamconley
Excellent post. Installer version, vicidial version with build. Cool.

And it's your First Post. Wow.

Try using SIP debug and see if there are any visible differences on the good vs bad calls.

Also try another provider (if you do not have three, you are screaming towards a wall, add more providers now before you hit that wall and it will also help you to troubleshoot this problem ... many providers are a little more expensive but have NO monthly fee so having them is just a good insurance policy and troubleshooting tool, and a backup plan!).

See if you can find a number it always happens on. Or perhaps try your cell phone 20 times and see if it tends to happen on at least a measurable percentage. Once you can create a problem reliably (or even semi-reliably but during a five minute timespan at least once ...), troubleshooting becomes much more methodical.