by innovativerp » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:23 am
I have a clean box install on CentOS 5 and my Vicidial version is 2.4-364a,
Is there anywhere you can think of that when setting up the Vicidial recording features this will interfere,
What passes is the whole VAR code so its ignoring the --A-- and --B-- like if it dosent know what to do with it, so my end result is
But everything else I am passing goes through fine..
And I verified on the web form URL's it works perfectly, but I also noticed that the result for talk time variable passes just like on my scenario of the dispo call URL, which is suppose to since the Dispo and Talk Time are not available yet.
So guess what I am saying is that these fields might not be programmed to pass on the Dispo URL since they behave how the talk_time field does on the WEB FORM URL. But then again the Dispo variable just stays blank which is what I would imagine they should all be doing if its not available instead of passing the whole VAR code....
Array ( [recording_file] => 20120920-100821_2126954400 [call_result] => [five9_dnis] => 2126954400 [five9_agent] => Testing 1002 [talk_time] => --A--talk_time--B-- [comments] => 244 [five9_campaign] => 002 [lead_id] => 33727760-2950-6015-1c7c-5052920691b7 [sugar_user] => a080a73b-8d6a-9d51-0129-504763e2c899 [vicidial_call_id] => 1348150091.1244 [vicidial_record_id] => 1915 [sugar_direction] => Outbound [sugar_call_status] => Held )
Array ( [recording_file] => --A--recording_filename--B-- [call_result] => B [five9_dnis] => 2126954400 [five9_agent] => Testing 1002 [talk_time] => 56 [comments] => --A--recording_id--B-- [five9_campaign] => 002 [lead_id] => 33727760-2950-6015-1c7c-5052920691b7 [sugar_user] => a080a73b-8d6a-9d51-0129-504763e2c899 [vicidial_call_id] => 1348150091.1244 [vicidial_record_id] => 1915 [sugar_direction] => Outbound [sugar_call_status] => Held )
CentOS release 5.8 / Vicidial VERSION: 2.4-364a BUILD: 120409-1136 / Asterisk / PHP Version 5.3.3 / phpMyAdmin -
Single Server / 20 Seats / No Extras / AMD Hexa-Core 6 Cores x 2.8 GHz / RAM 16 GB DDR3 ECC