DIAL ALERT Congestion

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DIAL ALERT Congestion

Postby spunkycaller » Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:06 pm

We got ERROR on all attempted outbound calls today :


Call Rejected : Congestion
Cause 34 : No Circuit / Channel Available

is this due to bandwidth or voip provider ?
is it because we doubled our agents to 24 agents vs 11 ?

Advice ?
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Re: DIAL ALERT Congestion

Postby DomeDan » Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:19 am

http://networking.ringofsaturn.com/Routers/isdncausecodes.php wrote:Cause No. 34 - no circuit/channel available.
This cause indicates that there is no appropriate circuit/channel presently available to handle the call.

What it means:
There is no place on the Public Telephone network to place the call; the call never gets to its destiation. This is usually a temporary problem.

Call your provider, its probably some problem on their side
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Re: DIAL ALERT Congestion

Postby gers55 » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:26 pm

I have found congestion to be a disconnected number or one of the codes our voip provider sends back when they cannot place a call.

Best thing to do is check them manually and call your voip provider if you are finding they are mainly at fault.
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Re: DIAL ALERT Congestion

Postby mcargile » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:51 am

Congestion is a general response. The cause code is what you really want to check. This website has a list of all the various cause codes:


They give you much more information about the call. Keep in mind though that even that is just what your carrier is sending back, it is not necessarily what REALLY happened.
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