Block incoming caller

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Block incoming caller

Postby wardz2k16 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:48 pm


I wondered if it was possible to block a specific caller based on callerID. Its not something we will have to do often. I believe its just an entry in extensions.conf but I'm not sure where. Can anyone help? Cheers

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Re: Block incoming caller

Postby mflorell » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:30 pm

If your version supports DID Filter Phone groups you could do this at the DID level right in the admin web GUI. This is not a new feature, but you are using a very old version so I don't know if that feature would be present there.
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Re: Block incoming caller

Postby williamconley » Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:44 pm

if your Inbound menu has a section for Filter Phone groups, start reading the manual and / or pushing the (?) help buttons inside those menu options.

if it does not, the only simple and universal workaround would be to modify "trunkinbound" to intercept specific calls based on callerid. If you have many of them, it would be necessary to use a database request to check to avoid having a Very Long Dialplan slowing down (or an agi script, but both of those are outside the realm of "simple" unless you know what you are doing ...).
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