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Can we make the Max Queue, queue?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:59 pm
by CallCenter702
VERSION: 2.6-373a
BUILD: 120810-1018
Install: Vicibox Server

First let me say I love the max queue feature, but I was wondering if there is a way to make it queue in relation to the incoming calls. The same as the in-group does.

Example of current action:

Max queue is set to 2 callers and the queue/drop at 2 minutes. 2 people call in and are waiting for 1 minute and 1 minute 30 seconds, respectively. A third caller calls in, they do not queue, but go to the designated "max queue action"

Technically this is making the newest caller (the third caller) have no queue time and it makes the oldest caller continue to wait. But is there a way to make the oldest caller get bumped out by the newest caller? Essentially Queue in the max queue...? This way my average queue time goes down and also limits my drops, as right now it is causing every 2 random callers who hit the queue first, to wait the full 2 minutes when not answered, but if it replaced the oldest call it would average out to about 1:15. (note that our Max queue action is to transfer to our secondary and tertiary centers which answers the calls immediately).

Re: Can we make the Max Queue, queue?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:26 pm
by williamconley
Wow. I like the suggestion: FIFO (First In First Out) vs LIFO (Last In First Out) allowing the Queue to load by having the Next In push the Oldest out the back ... keeping the Queue fresh for the agents (I mean, you'll piss off the dropped callers, but you'll make more money, right?)

You should create a feature request for this in the Vicidial Issue Tracker and then put a link to your tracker item back here.

If you want it coded in the very near future, of course, you'll need to get a quote from The Vicidial Group (this is their site) or a 3rd party programmer. If you want it definitely included in the core vicidial code permanently, the only guaranteed way is to have The Vicidial Group perform the coding for inclusion of this option.

Re: Can we make the Max Queue, queue?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:29 pm
by CallCenter702
Thanks for the Tip William and help on all my posts to date! I will talk it over with my partners and see what we want to do.