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wanrouter not starting -ViciBox.i686-4.0.1.preload

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:43 pm
by mastisingh
I have worked a little bit on elastix systems, my hardware is the following : (It is just a test system)
Intel G41, Intel Core2Duo Processor, 2 GB ram, 250 GB Sata Harddrive, One Sangoma A101 PCI Express card, NO other external Hardware.

I was able to successfully install elastix on above system, and configure the PRI card through wancfg_dahdi, and after adding the trunk was able to use it for incoming and outgoing.

But when i try to install vicibox i get certain errors, i have tried it many times but the same thing happens. following is what i did.

installed ViciBox.i686-4.0.1.preload (i just downloaded it on 14th October 2012).
Installed it according the ViciBox_v4-Install.pdf document.
completed phase one, configured Lan, Rebooted.
Then updated OS by using zypper up

Then compiled the wanpipe using wanpipe-compile
I got this output
Code: Select all
linux-wmvr:~ # wanrouter hwprobe

| Wanpipe Hardware Probe Info |
1 . AFT-A101-SH : SLOT=4 : BUS=3 : IRQ=16 : CPU=A : PORT=1 : HWEC=0 : V=37

Sangoma Card Count: A101-2=1

then i installed vicibox-express, and it installed without any errors, and i rebooted the system with reboot command.

when it rebooted i try configuring the sangoma card using wancfg_dahdi, it shows an error, following is the output:

Code: Select all
linux-wmvr:~ # wancfg_dahdi

#                          Sangoma Wanpipe                             #
#        Dahdi/Zaptel/SMG/TDMAPI/BOOT Configuration Script             #
#                             v2.39                                  #
#                     Sangoma Technologies Inc.                        #
#                        Copyright(c) 2009.                            #

Would you like to generate /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
 1. YES
 2. NO

Configuring T1/E1 cards [A101/A102/A104/A108/A116]
A101 detected on slot:4 bus:3

Configuring port 1 on A101 slot:4 bus:3.

Select media type for AFT-A101 on port 1 [slot:4 bus:3 span:1]
 1. T1
 2. E1
 3. Unused
 4. Exit

Configuring port 1 on 101 as E1, line coding:HDB3, framing:CRC4
 1. YES - Keep these settings
 2. NO  - Configure line coding and framing
[1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

Select clock for AFT-A101 on port 1 [slot:4 bus:3 span:1]

Select signalling type for AFT-A101 on port 1 [slot:4 bus:3 span:1]
 1. Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI CPE
 2. Zaptel/Dahdi - PRI NET
 3. Zaptel/Dahdi - E & M
 4. Zaptel/Dahdi - E & M Wink
 5. Zaptel/Dahdi - FXS - Loop Start
 6. Zaptel/Dahdi - FXS - Ground Start
 7. Zaptel/Dahdi - FXS - Kewl Start
 8. Zaptel/Dahdi - FX0 - Loop Start
 9. Zaptel/Dahdi - FX0 - Ground Start
 10. Zaptel/Dahdi - FX0 - Kewl Start
 11. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI CPE
 12. Sangoma SMG/sangoma_prid- PRI NET

Select switchtype for AFT-A101 on port 1
 1. National ISDN 2
 2. Nortel DMS100
 3. AT&T 4ESS
 4. Lucent 5ESS
 5. EuroISDN
 6. Old National ISDN 1
 7. Q.SIG

Configuring port 1 on AFT-A101 as a full E1
 1. YES - Use all channels
 2. NO  - Configure for fractional
[1-2, ENTER='YES']:1

Select dialplan context for AFT-A101 on port 1
 1. from-pstn
 2. from-internal
 3. Custom

Port 1 on AFT-A101 configuration complete...
Press any key to continue:

T1/E1 card configuration complete.
Press any key to continue:
Configuring ISDN BRI cards [A500/B700]

No Sangoma ISDN BRI cards detected

Press any key to continue:
Configuring GSM cards [W400]

No Sangoma GSM cards detected

Press any key to continue:
Configuring analog cards [A200/A400/B600/B610/B700/B800]
Configuring USB devices [U100]

#                             SUMMARY                             #

  1 T1/E1 port(s) detected, 1 configured
  0 ISDN BRI port(s) detected, 0 configured
  0 analog card(s) detected, 0 configured
  0 GSM card(s) detected, 0 configured
  0 usb device(s) detected, 0 configured

Configurator will create the following files:
        1. Wanpipe config files in /etc/wanpipe
        2. Dahdi config file /etc/dahdi/system.conf
        3. chan_dahdi config file /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf

Your original configuration files will be saved to:
        1. /etc/dahdi/system.conf.bak
        2. /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf.bak

Your configuration has been saved in /etc/wanpipe/debug-2012-10-18.tgz.
When requesting support, email this file to


Configuration Complete! Please select following:
 1. YES - Continue
 2. NO - Exit

Dahdi and Wanpipe configuration complete: choose action
 1. Save cfg: Restart Asterisk & Wanpipe now
 2. Save cfg: Restart Asterisk & Wanpipe when convenient
 3. Save cfg: Stop Asterisk & Wanpipe now
 4. Save cfg: Stop Asterisk & Wanpipe when convenient
 5. Save cfg: Save cfg only (Not Recommended!!!)
 6. Do not save cfg: Exit

Stopping Asterisk...

Stopping Wanpipe...

Shutting down wanpipe1 interface: w1g1
w1g1: unknown interface: No such device
Shutting down device: wanpipe1
No devices running, Unloading Modules

Unloading Dahdi modules...

Removing old configuration files...

Copying new Wanpipe configuration files...

Copying new Dahdi configuration file (/etc/dahdi/system.conf)...

Copying new chan_dahdi configuration files (/etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf)...

Starting Wanpipe...

Starting WAN Router...
Loading WAN drivers: wanpipe done.
Starting up device: wanpipe1

        wanconfig: Interface w1g1 setup failed
                 : ioctl(ROUTER_IFNEW,w1g1) failed:
                 :      22 - Invalid argument

        Wanpipe drivers could not setup network interface
        Please check /var/log/wanrouter and
        /var/log/messages for errors

Configuring interfaces: w1g1 w1g1: unknown interface: No such device


Error executing command:
wanrouter start

Would you like to continue?
 1. No - exit
 2. YES
[1-2, ENTER='No']:1

PLease guide me where am i going wrong in this setup.
Please tell me if there is any more information needed.
I have not changed anything else in the system, above are the only steps done on the system, i have tried it on a different system, same config, but dual core instead of core2duo, still the same thing happens.
I am pretty sure there is something i am missing, any help would be appreciated.

Re: wanrouter not starting -ViciBox.i686-4.0.1.preload

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:50 am
by striker
Please check /var/log/wanrouter and
/var/log/messages for errors

paste the log here .

better replace the card in another pci slot and try , or reinstal the latest wanpipe and dahdi.

Re: wanrouter not starting -ViciBox.i686-4.0.1.preload

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:03 am
by mastisingh
Thanks a lot for replying striker, i had installed go autodial on the system, and it worked like a charm, currently we are testing the system, but after shift log off, i will put in a new harddisk, and reinstall vicibix and shall post the files here.

i have tried changing the card slot, but it did not work either, but i will try reinstalling wanpipe and dahdi tonight again.

And thanks again because your post on your bolg was very helpful in setting up goautodial :)