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Park Call remains on Hold when Agent is disconnected
Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:21 am
by vkalp_rg
Scenario: Agent in call puts customer on PARK. Due to System Hangup/Network/Power outage on Agent Desktop the PC shutsdown. When the agent Logs in Again using same credentials, he is unable to grab the call again and moves on with next incoming call. Is this ok? Ideally he should get the parked call back. If this is a block its ok.
However THE BIG ISSUE is the Parked Call remains parked forever. Is it possible to ensure this call ends if Agent gets disconnected then this call goes back in InGroup Queue or gets hungup.
Can there be such a feature added in campaign/ingroup where the if the call is parked for over x time it can be transferred to Ingroup/message/extention/hangup
We have customers who come back and say they were on hold for 30 mins etc. due to this.
VERSION: 2.6-375a
BUILD: 120831-1523
Re: Park Call remains on Hold when Agent is disconnected
Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:14 am
by mflorell
Good idea, but this would not be very simple to implement because it would have to be initiated on the server and you would have to allow enough time to ensure the agent session was truly ended.
Re: Park Call remains on Hold when Agent is disconnected
Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:28 am
by vkalp_rg
So like we have a choice in Ingroup settings for setting limit for Hold/Drop time, we can keep a setting time limit for Park and have a Action Option (Ingroup/message/extention/hangup).
So Default could be 0 which is unlimited
Setting time at any value will initiate the action. ( Most Call Centers would want this as keeping a call in park indefinitely will be a serious issue). So if a CC Admin sets a value and action trigger, then the issue of checking if the agent is still connected does not arise as the company has a policy to trigger an action if the threshold is reached.
Re: Park Call remains on Hold when Agent is disconnected
Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:45 am
by williamconley
sounds like a feature request to me. you should create a Vicidial Issue Tracker entry for this and post the link back here (and just to be funny you should also request the thread be moved to the Feature Requests Board at the same time ...).
You should also consider sponsoring the request if you want it to be added any time in the near future. (or pay a technician to create it and then submit Diff's to The Vicidial Group for addition to the system ...).
Re: Park Call remains on Hold when Agent is disconnected
Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:09 pm
by vkalp_rg
Isnt it also a bug coz ideally if the agent (who had put the caller in Park) is disconnected, the "parked call" should get disconnected in the ideal scenario.
Re: Park Call remains on Hold when Agent is disconnected
Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:43 pm
by williamconley
Not a bug: Agents are not supposed to "disappear". You have a broken network, though. Your agents should NEVER be disconnected from the system without logging out (the logout process is expected to do cleanup ... you bypass that and "break" it).
Re: Park Call remains on Hold when Agent is disconnected
Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:28 am
by vkalp_rg
ok i accept that it is not a bug but shouldnt the Parked Call not get released if the Agent has disappeared or the process is broken....
Can / Shouldnt there be a way to restrict the time on park in the ingroup settings that allow upper limit of parked call.
Re: Park Call remains on Hold when Agent is disconnected
Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:11 am
by williamconley
That would require something to be "watching" the parked call. This is done by the ... agent screen. Your agent disappears and that functionality breaks.