Ordinarily, this is where I say "Read the Manual". But as this has caught even a couple of my technicians, I'll say it this way:
When your recording suggests that your call recipient pushes a button, the Vicidial Dialer has no way of knowing what you told your call recipient was on that button. If you say "Press 8 to end this call" that is entirely different from "Press 8 to be sure our company will never call you again for any reason" and still different from "Press 8 to be removed from THIS list".
So: If you have read your manual to realize that there are two different "statuses": One named "NI - Not Interested" and one named: "DNC - Do Not Call", you would probably find it a good idea to configure the Survey to modify the lead to whichever one you have indicated in your recording.
Also of note: You were likely changing those who "opted out" to "Not Interested (NI)" and your (often overzealous) manager (or possibly You Yourself? LOL) had gone ahead and Added Every Dial Status to the "Dialable Statuses" list in the campaign. Including "NI" which is counterintuitive, but I've seen it a lot.
To be clear: This is a dialer. It is a specialized piece of equipment that has been used to create money in thousands (not kidding) of call centers around the world. I consider it somewhat like a Lamborgini in an IT world full of Geo Metros and Lincoln Navigators. It can definitely get you there fast.
That being said, if you let your son drive it home from the dealership without supervision, and he has a Lead Foot ... you will likely have negative results. LOL
In other words: Read the manual. Find out what all the little pieces do. If you're not sure, pay for a bit of Training (Matt has an excellent course down in Clearwater that will bring your IT guy up to speed pretty dern quick). But most importantly: Don't just put your foot on the floor and think that's how you resolve every challenge as it will quite often prove counterproductive. I'm not sayin' (of course) that you have done any of these things, but I have seen it very often. Too many calls per second can cause your calls to bunch up (and drop/waste far too many). Too many lines per agent has the same result, only worse. Dialing "Everybody" is not much better. Find out what all these buttons are ... and you'll make life much better (by which I mean you'll make more money while spending less!).
Rant Over
Welcome to the party!