ISO express install 64--
amd phemom II x6 core 8 gigs DDR3
VERSION: 2.6-375a
BUILD: 120831-1523
WARNING[29483]: chan_sip.c:13717 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"ext 200" <sip:00000000@>;tag=as4b566533'
[Dec 4 19:55:15] -- SIP/0944-000001e5 is circuit-busy
[Dec 4 19:55:15] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
This has been happening all day long, it seems like after so many calls when dialing out this is what shows on the cli. it's not just 1 agent it's everyone. i do reload on cli and they can make calls again.
I Think this has to do with canreinvite setting
I have
in sip.conf. All but 1 agent is internal lan on same subnet, 1 agent is home behing a belking router using stun connection and grandstream GXP280. Internal agents are using twinkle and zoiper and 1 xlite. Doesn't seem to be softphone related.