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ALERT Options in Manual Mode

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:14 am
by hiteshg
VERSION: 2.2.1-237 |BUILD: 100510-2015 | installed from ISO | asterisk 1.4.39(vici) | Sangoma 2port E1| 50agents

In a Manual mode is there any option when an agent doesn't click on DIAL NEXT NUMBER For 30 Secs it should time out the
session or give an ALERT to the Supervisor.

Re: ALERT Options in Manual Mode

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:42 am
by mflorell
No, that is not an option, but I'm sure it could be added. You should post that idea to the issue tracker and then post a patch file or consider sponsoring development.

Re: ALERT Options in Manual Mode

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:04 pm
by williamconley
The closest thing to that would be the Real Time Screen. Length of time at present status is shown for each agent.

Now that we're on the topic, you are experiencing the classic symptoms of "I should be using autodial instead of manual dial". Seriously, change to Ratio and stop allowing the agents to decide when to dial. Pay them when they are "ready" for a call or IN a call, but not when they are paused. Amazing what the productivity rate does when this happens. And the sales go up, too. Everybody makes more money. :)