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INBOUND /DID failed authentication

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:26 am
by ashis103
hello team

would you please help me out DID authentication issue NB ERR:Failed to authenticate use. If i dialed from outside in my did asterisk cli showing below message.

[Jan 15 09:20:49] NOTICE[2705]: chan_sip.c:15733 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user <sip:+442033720303@>;tag=1501201314281033047238
[Jan 15 09:20:49] NOTICE[2705]: chan_sip.c:15733 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user <sip:+442033720303@>;tag=1501201314281033047316

Re: INBOUND /DID failed authentication

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:28 am
by ZoVoS
host= in your carriers "Account Entry"???

Re: INBOUND /DID failed authentication

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:43 pm
by ashis103
yes.IP is our carrier

Re: INBOUND /DID failed authentication

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:10 pm
by steve745
Your not registered correctly. I have seen this when registered at 2 locations when using 1 server as a temp to hold the other server traffic during upgrade. Try contacting your sip provider and ask if they do IP authenication. Else Check your carrier section in VICI or Goautodial and make sure you have register string...

register => XXXXXXX:xxxxxx@
register => XXXXXXX:xxxxxx@

XXXXXXX= Sip user credentials
xxxxxxx=Sip secret

If you still have problems plz post full sys info build version type of install

Re: INBOUND /DID failed authentication

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:47 pm
by ZoVoS
you don't need to be registered to accept inbound.

Below is the minimum required to handle an inbound call

insecure ... p+insecure

type (atleast peer)

So Asterisk knows where to send the call


For example a codex without registration;


Can you please provide me with what your insecure and type options are set to?
If host= then I am unsure as to why his calls are not authenticating.

Re: INBOUND /DID failed authentication

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:32 pm
by williamconley
It is likely the + on inbound is breaking something. (+442033720303)

You can modify [trunkinbound] in extensions.conf which has a section to remove the + (we have a couple posts dealing with this as well, just stripping the + so it will match a DID).

But that may never get a chance to fire since the system says it will not authenticate. Any time authentication becomes an issue, you should modify your carrier SIP context to include the IP address and NOT include a user/pass or to have "insecure=invite" as mentioned above.

Registration is at the discretion of the carrier. Some allow you to "point" the DID to your server's IP address, some do not. If they require registration that does not mean you need to put a user/pass in the SIP context for that carrier. The register => entry is completely separate from the [context] for that sip connection and can even have different authentication information. I have a carrier who requires this as we register to one server, get calls from another server (several, actually) and send calls through yet another server (or two, depending on the coast of OUR server).

Learning how to make it work for each individual carrier can be painstaking, but it often helps if you just call the carrier and ... ask. :)