NTP Time Sync for Cluster
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:04 pm
Vicibox 4.0.1 from ISO standard | VERSION: 2.6-382a BUILD: 121116-1410 | Asterisk 1.4.44-vici | 1 Db/Web Server 4 Telephony Servers | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation
Greetings to all!! I am buckling down to resolve a time sync issue... between servers in the cluster. I currently have the all 4 telephony servers connected with conferences/phones/carrier plans all configured properly. I can make calls out, but only one of the telephony servers has the time synced properly (ALL 4 telephony servers have the exact same configuration for the NTP settings/firewall disabled). The way I have it set up is the main DB/Web server currently is used as an NTP server inside my network as well - this connects to the outside world and gets the time from 2 possible Stratum 1 servers
(I have the NTP conf as:
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift
logfile /var/log/ntp
broadcastdelay 0.008
keys /etc/ntp.keys
trustedkey 1 3 5 7 9
requestkey 1
# Basics to allow us to start and provide time
server 127.127.1.x
fudge 127.127.1.x stratum 10
restrcit x.x.x.x nomodify
restrcit 127.127.1.X mask 255.255.x.0 nomodify notrap
restrict 7.7.x.x mask 255.255.x.0 nomodify notrap
restrict 7.7.x.x mask 255.255.x.0 nomodify notrap
restrict x.x.x.x nomodify notrap
### And here's our real servers to sync to
server x.x.x.x
server x.x.x.x
server x.x.x.x
My first server connects just fine, shows up with the same time under the Reports tab (after clicking the + sign and seeing the DB/PHP time and all other server times). But the other 3 shows the time the DB server rebooted last (the last time it reached out and touched the other 3's time)
What could possibly hold this up as is? I discussed with the bossman to buy a network NTP device (pretty cheap, acts as a local NTP Stratum 2 server) yet we need to suffice without it for now. Any possible ideas? I thought it had something to do with the authentication but from my understanding there is none set by default.. Any ideas would be much appreciated, Thank you!
Vicibox 4.0.1 from ISO standard | VERSION: 2.6-382a BUILD: 121116-1410 | Asterisk 1.4.44-vici | 1 Db/Web Server 4 Telephony Servers | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation
Greetings to all!! I am buckling down to resolve a time sync issue... between servers in the cluster. I currently have the all 4 telephony servers connected with conferences/phones/carrier plans all configured properly. I can make calls out, but only one of the telephony servers has the time synced properly (ALL 4 telephony servers have the exact same configuration for the NTP settings/firewall disabled). The way I have it set up is the main DB/Web server currently is used as an NTP server inside my network as well - this connects to the outside world and gets the time from 2 possible Stratum 1 servers
(I have the NTP conf as:
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift
logfile /var/log/ntp
broadcastdelay 0.008
keys /etc/ntp.keys
trustedkey 1 3 5 7 9
requestkey 1
# Basics to allow us to start and provide time
server 127.127.1.x
fudge 127.127.1.x stratum 10
restrcit x.x.x.x nomodify
restrcit 127.127.1.X mask 255.255.x.0 nomodify notrap
restrict 7.7.x.x mask 255.255.x.0 nomodify notrap
restrict 7.7.x.x mask 255.255.x.0 nomodify notrap
restrict x.x.x.x nomodify notrap
### And here's our real servers to sync to
server x.x.x.x
server x.x.x.x
server x.x.x.x
My first server connects just fine, shows up with the same time under the Reports tab (after clicking the + sign and seeing the DB/PHP time and all other server times). But the other 3 shows the time the DB server rebooted last (the last time it reached out and touched the other 3's time)
What could possibly hold this up as is? I discussed with the bossman to buy a network NTP device (pretty cheap, acts as a local NTP Stratum 2 server) yet we need to suffice without it for now. Any possible ideas? I thought it had something to do with the authentication but from my understanding there is none set by default.. Any ideas would be much appreciated, Thank you!
Vicibox 4.0.1 from ISO standard | VERSION: 2.6-382a BUILD: 121116-1410 | Asterisk 1.4.44-vici | 1 Db/Web Server 4 Telephony Servers | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation