Statistical transfer calls between agent
Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:37 pm
by gattaba
I wonder if I can see the statistics of call transfer between agent.
I do not see it in the reports
Goautodial 2.0
VERSION: 2.6-392a svn
BUILD: 130102-1135
Vtiger version 5.1.0
Centos 6.3
digium card : TE122
Re: Statistical transfer calls between agent
Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:49 pm
by williamconley
Good job posting your specs
Define transfer between agents ... there are many ways to accomplish this.
If you refer to the act of a fronter transferring to a closer ... there is a "Fronter - Closer" Report. I've never used it, personally.
Re: Statistical transfer calls between agent
Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:49 am
by gattaba
thank you
if I click on report Fronter closer but I do not understand anything columns.
Re: Statistical transfer calls between agent
Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:29 am
by geoff3dmg
In the Fronter table
Completed = Same as Sale below
Xfer = Number of calls the Fronter transferred to Closers
Success% = % of Xfers that were sales (this is your fronters conversion rate in marketing speak)
Sale = Number of transferred calls that resulted in a closer dis-positioning it as a sale (disposition is flagged as sale)
Drop = Customer hung up before a Closer got the call (you need more Closers, or less lazy ones!)
Other = Number of Transferred calls that a closer disposition as something other than a sale (for example a call back)
In the Closer table (similar to above just from the Closers point of view):
Calls = Number of calls each closer handled.
Sale = Number of transferred calls that the closer dis-positioning it as a sale (btw, I dunno why there's two sale columns on the report, bug?)
Drop = Customer hung up before a Closer got the call.
Other = Number of calls that a closer disposition as something other than a sale.
Conv% = % of calls that the closer handled that were sales, (Again important for your call centre, it tells you who your best closers are).
Re: Statistical transfer calls between agent
Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:29 pm
by williamconley
geoff3dmg wrote:In the Fronter table ...
excellent job chipping in