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Installing ViciBox Server on a former Windows 8 machine

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:49 pm
by ollieevent
So my boss want's me to transform his recently purched HP computer into a ViciBox Server. The computer originally runs Windows 8. I have booted Vicibox.i686-4.0.2 (after a real hustle because of the Windows 8 booting options), and have tried serveral times to configure the network settings. After trying all I can think of doing (I am really a rookie at this) I think it all comes down to the fact that the only thing that is not "not configured" in the network settings overview is the DHCP. I can't seem to access any of the inbuilt network cards.

Any ideas?

Re: Installing ViciBox Server on a former Windows 8 machine

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:38 pm
by williamconley
If the server is "too new" there may not be drivers available in the Linux distro yet. Remember that when Kumba builds the OpenSuSE .iso image, he starts with "stock" OpenSuSE. If the motherboard/chipset drivers are not available for this version of OpenSuSE yet (ie: they are not in the base OpenSuSE repositories...), then they also will not be in Vicibox.

You could try the "preload" instead of the "standard", which may help. You can also try to purchase a stock (old, cheap) network card and hope that is the only thing not being recognized.

I hate to say this, but you could also try GoAutoDial as CentOS feeds from Redhat which has a completely different crew building drivers and you may get lucky.

Failing that, a scratch install may be required IF you can get a base Linux OS into the box. For that option, you would need a stock installation of Ubuntu, CentOS or another major Linux distro from which to begin. As long as one of those base systems installs, you would be able to get a live system.

Happy Hunting! 8-)

(Bleeding edge hardware is not for Linux users ... unless you have access to those who Write Drivers)

Re: Installing ViciBox Server on a former Windows 8 machine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:13 am
by geoff3dmg
Establish what the network card chipset is. You can do this from the LiveCD or the installed system using 'lspci'.

Re: Installing ViciBox Server on a former Windows 8 machine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:19 am
by rrb555
i had the same problem with my recent install,, what I did is add new LAN Card,, luckily i already have added one since I want that to be public IP. But to my surprise on board lan drivers is not supported, so ive just added another LAN CARD. motherboard is Z77

Re: Installing ViciBox Server on a former Windows 8 machine

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:51 pm
by bmorrison
I run into this situation a lot less frequently with the latest releases of Vicibox Server. However, when a client cannot get their box online using the ISO, I refer them to this chart of compatible networking hardware:

If that chart makes their eyes roll into the back of their heads, I point them at either a cheap realtek board: ... 69+realtek

Or a (slightly) more expensive one, if they are are game: ... RJ45+-+OEM

Either work. There are many, many more that will as well.